Chapter Seventeen

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November 10 1917

Days of preparing for the next part of battle have proved to be harder than ever before, John found himself using more weapons and more machinery than he had ever used.

He didn't remember the last time he used tanks for his training, he was used to the large amounts of guns.

He hadn't met Pershing, who had recruited him and a bunch of other men, but John wanted to meet him, and he wanted to thank him for recruiting him.

John found himself walking around, taking a look to see what everything was all about, and he didn't know what he had gotten himself into. There were large groups of men everywhere, drinking out of flasks, he looked over and saw that Jamie was drinking with some of the men.

"Of course, he's drinking..." John muttered to himself. John continued to walk around, he saw Wesley and Simon playing cards with a few of the other men. And later saw Benedict talking to Claude and William. He was happy to see that everyone was starting to get along a little bit more, especially when things were getting tougher and tougher. John then went over to a stoop and sat on it by himself, he just took that as an opportunity to be by himself.Get to see what the camp was like.

He didn't expect everything to be the way it was. He was expecting there to be a lot of fighting between everyone and just overall not getting along. But since most of the men there were people that John already knew, he didn't see him having any problems with anyone.

John then walked over to Jamie, who was spending his time with some of the men that were drinking and smoking. They all greeted John with warm arms, especially Jamie, who had been his biggest supporter through everything that he was going through.

"This here is John Kelly," Jamie said a tad drunk.

"Yes I am." John said a little awkward

"Come on John," Jamie said trying to get him into the conversation, "Please don't be shy, you're a brave and strong young man."

"Thank you Jamie,"

"Do you want a drink?" Jamie asked John

"Oh, no thank you."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Thank you Jamie."

Jamie started to stare at John for a little bit. John looked at him slightly confused, Jamie then started cackling laughing.

"What in gods name is so funny?" John asked

"Just everything." Jamie said in between breaths.

John walked over and smelled Jamie's breath, and his breath smelled like Rum and Brandy combined. John rolled his eyes and couldn't believe how much he had been drinking. He knew what Jamie was able to drink, but this was more than ever before. Jamie just thought of it as having fun.

But John was getting worried for him.

November 13, 1917

Days later, while in his tent, John started to forget about how much Jamie was drinking and tried to figure out what he could write to violet. For some reason he found it difficult to write something. There was so much on his mind. So much he wanted to say but he felt like as he told her everything already.

He then left his tent that day and watched Simon and Wesley play cards. But then walked over to the both of them. Wesley turned around to greet John and Simon looked over seconds later smiling at him later. Simon walked over to John and looked around, John then looked over at Wesley.

"Is he cheating?" John asked Simon.

"Nah, I'm keeping an eye on him," Simon answered laughing at his comment. John then laughed alongside Simon. The two of them looked over to see Jamie drinking again walking out of his tent.

"Is he going to be alright?" Simon asked

John sighed, he didn't know what Jamie was feeling anymore.

"I hope so," John answered slowly, "Given the thought about how Stubborn he is, I don't know."

Simon then looked over to see Jamie walking towards them having a hard time standing up properly. Jamie leaned onto Simon and laughed and Simon looked over at John.

"How much have you had to drink Hamilton?" Simon asked

"Enough to keep me going." Jamie said loudly, and throwing his arms into the air.

"JAMIE!" Simon shouted, "Stop drinking so much,"

"Calm down..." Jamie started to say, "I've done this numerous times,"

"And you get in trouble all of the time." John said chiming in the conversation. John didn't know how Jamie didn't get thrown out of the military for his constant bad behavior and constant drinking. No one knew what to do with him any more. John knew that Jamie was feeling unloved from the moment he found out about Ciera dying, and he felt even more guilty than ever before. John was the only one that could understand it.

"Are you feeling any better?" John asked Jamie

"Oh, I'm doing incredible." Jamie said drunk, moments later he found himself singing Yankee Doodle, John tried to get him to remain quiet, so nobody would suspect that Jamie was drinking. John tried to get the drinks away  and Jamie protested and pushed John away.

"Hell no John!" Jamie shouted, and shoved John away and threw him onto the ground.  Simon looked over and saw John on the ground and helped him get up. Simon looked over at John and then looked at Jamie who dropped the flask and threw it onto the ground.

"Really!" Simon shouted, "Jamie, you're an alcoholic."

"I know you are but what am I," Jamie argued back and then shoving Simon.

"You need to stop drinking!" Simon barked

"Shut up!" Jamie fought back and then Simon got up , and punched Jamie in the face resulting in Jamie falling to the ground. Jamie then looked up at Simon and John and looked at both of them expressing their concern for Jamie.

John didn't know how to help.  He wanted to help Jamie more than ever before. He didn't know what to do. John looked over and saw a General walking by and John helped Jamie up so he didn't get in to trouble.

"This is the last time I'm covering for you." John said to Jamie who was not saying a word. Simon helped John take care of  Jamie, as they walked him over to the tent and as they got over to the tent, they placed Jamie onto a cot. John then told Simon to take care of him and walked out to the tent, he looked over and he saw that there were a few nurses walking by hoping he would see some familiar faces.

But he was hoping for Violet especially. 

But he knew that the chances were unlikely.

John looked over and he saw Mabel first, Mabel turned around and saw John and she waved at him and John waved at her back.  Mabel walked over to him and said her hellos and greeting him.

"Long time no see." Mabel said,

"Is violet here?" John asked first,

"No , she's not here." Mabel answered, "She may be coming to help in battle to help wounded, but we aren't sure yet."

"I really hope she does..." John said

"I know you do," Mabel said, "But we don't know what she is doing. She is thinking about it."

John was hoping that he would see Violet, but he also knew that she didn't have a choice at the end of the day, he wished that she did, but she didn't. 

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