Chapter 13

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Steven ended up taking most of his things again only to leave. Soon, he won't be my husband anymore and that haunts me. The kids decided to spend the night with them and I can't stand the loneliness. So I decided to take a walk with Jesus.
It's dark and dangerous, I know, but though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil because He is with me. I stand on God's word from now on.
I stop in my tracks and look over the street on the corner. It's a man standing with a knife held against an elderly lady's neck.
"Hey!" I approach him like a lion would approach an enemy. He turns to me and grabs the lady from behind holding the knife in front of her to scare me away. I stop in front of them and put my hands up. "Let her go, okay?"
"Don't come closer," he says with a serious look. I look at my hand and take off my ring. Silver and cubic zirconia.
"Take this, it's worth more than anything this lady has," I say and hold it out to him. He grabs it from me and lets the lady go running away. Shame, he won't be very impressed with me.
"You shouldn't have," the lady says. She has a grey pixie hairstyle and is dressed fancy.
"Would you like to have some coffee?" I ask her. She nods her head with a sweet smile.
Sigourney is such a nice person. Turns out she was taking a walk to get off some thoughts just like me. I invited her to church only thinking of what could've happened if I didn't take my walk.

In an old overall that I got out of my closet, I stand in the little room painting the walls. Two sides are red and the other two sides white. Afterward, I can see that the windows get replaced and the door gets fixed. I have so many ideas, yet only one choice.
"Hi," came a voice from the door. It's Craig.
"Hello," I greet him happily. He enters the room and looks around. "How are you?"
"Good and you?" he asks and looks into the open paint can then back at me. "Wow, what are you going to do?"
"Well, I have no idea yet, but I have a vision," I wink at him and look around. "Either a prayer room or my very own daycare."
"Why not both?" he asks and pulls up his sleeves. "Where are Andrea and Sean?"
"They're with Steven at a friend's house," I reply and continue to paint the last wall red.
"Can I help?" he asks.
"Sure," I nod and show him to the extra roller that's white. "The roof needs a new coat."
"Okay," he nods happily and gets right to it. I enjoy having someone helping me. "So, new life, right? How did you do it?"
"What?" I ask with a giggle. There are a lot of things that happened.
"Mom said that you had an addiction and that you're free now," he replies. I inhale deeply and glance at him. "I just want to know how you did it?"
"Sweetheart, when Jesus died on the cross, he went to hell and he took back the keys the devil has stolen so that we can get set free. I like to think of it as the drug addiction being a blue chain held to my arm, the alcohol addiction the brown chain to the other arm, sin and negative thoughts cuffed around my ankles. The biggest chain, heaviest chain, burning is the one around my neck that the devil had a hold unto. When I surrendered my life to Jesus, the chains broke one by one. I'm set free because of the blood of Jesus. I forgave and accepted. Son, Jesus and I are walking in victory. You can walk with Him in victory as well."
I wink at him and continue to paint the wall. Craig stops painting which drew my attention. He looks at the floor and then at me with empty eyes.
"I'm gay," he says and pulls up his shoulders. "I can't even look at a woman. I find men attractive and that's something nobody will understand."
"You think because everyone is against your sexuality, that they don't understand?" I ask with an awkward chuckle and put the roller down to have a serious conversation with him. I hope I don't say things that can do more damage. Okay Holy Spirit, we've got this! "Sweetheart, I know you probably think that it's not a major problem and that in the end, it's your happiness that counts. I get it, I was there as well. Today's generation walks around with the mindset that it's normal to be gay or to sleep around. Lust can be very conceiving, my boy, but Jesus wants you to surrender. Give up the flesh and live in the spirit. You can't be happy gay or straight if you don't know your identity in Christ."
"So what should I do?" he asks nervously.
"Give yourself a break, Craig. Don't be gay, don't be straight. Be alone for a while and see what God rewards you with," I say and smile at him. He nods his head and continues painting. It's nice that he listens. It gives him something to think about.

Within a matter of a week, the windows were in, a new door and tiles. If I want a carpet, I'll lay a carpet wherever I want. All that's happening now, is the toilet getting fixed. It's just a few awkward things needing a fix, but further on it's still good. I decided to add another toilet and a sink in the room in case it's needed. Now, it wasn't cheap and it basically cost me the grand piano that I inherited from my mom, but at least the money made up for it.
"The pipes are old so replacing them is our only option," the plumber says looking over my face. I sigh unhappily and fold my arms looking around. "It will cost a lot of money."
"Time's like this I'll ask God if it's even worth it," I roll my eyes and nod my head slowly. "Fine, just get it done please."
He nods and walks away. I rub my chin and look at the door where there's a knock. It's Steven. Finally, guess who decided to show up.
"Wow, this place looks beautiful," he says looking around. "You did all of this?"
"I had help," I reply and look at the plumber that approaches me again. "What now?"
"Eleanor, can we talk?" Steven asks. I look helplessly up at him and walk out. He follows me all the way into the house. So many things going wrong at such a big cost.
"Coffee?" I ask him as soon as I got into the kitchen. He takes a seat and nods his head. I take out two cups and go to the kettle switching it on. "I just pray this whole business with the building in the back can finish off."
"What are you planning?" he asks. I put the cups down and start to put in coffee and sugar.
"My own daycare and pray room," I reply and inhale deeply. "A lot of money involved, but you won't believe how much God has blessed me, Stevie. I already heard a lady at church complaining about the daycare her kid is in not being clean and the kids are mean."
"That sounds good for you then," he replies. I giggle in agreement and lay back against the counter waiting for the kettle to finish boiling. My eyes go to Steven that got up from his seat again and slowly approach me. "Any name for it yet? If I was you I'd call it Ellie's daycare."
All I can do is smile. There's a faint look on his face, something I kind of admires.
"I actually...I came to give you the divorce papers."

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