Chapter 15

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I probably spend more than two hours praying over the divorce papers. Countless times I wanted to get up and go find my husband, but there was such assurance in me that everything will be okay. Maybe believing it is the hardest part.
"I can't sign it," I whisper with my face in my hands in front of Sean. He's my son, I know I'm not supposed to have this talk with him. "I thought I can do it, but I can't. I just...I can't."
"Wasn't that the exact same words I used when you taught me to ride a bicycle?" he asked. I raise an eyebrow at him. He gives me a childlike smile. "I remember that day like yesterday. We were happy and nothing went wrong in our lives. How you and dad use to dance in the living room and we sit around the table you getting angry with dad when he starts a food fight."
I laugh with tears in my eyes looking at the papers and then back at my son.
"Yeah, I wouldn't trade those years for anything, my love," I admit to him. It gets quiet for a while and both of us start thinking. "Sean, I will only sign this if you can guarantee me that she loves your father. I don't care how he feels about her, how does she feel?"
"I don't know, but for what it's worth, she laughs at his jokes and you know how terrible they are," he replies. I nod with an awkward giggle and grab the pen signing every page where my signature is needed. A part of me is waiting for God to change Steven's mind, and another part of me is praying to God that Steven is happy. Not happy in a way of getting what he wanted, but happy in a way of finally being where he wanted to be.

"The Bible says in 2 Corinthians, that if any man is born in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away," the pastor says in front of the church. Everyone jumps up and claps their hands. This is the day I get baptized. "It means you leave the old you behind. Baptism is your act through decision and obedience."
I try to keep up with making notes. The verses I can write down and put against the walls of my little place along with quotes from the pastor.
"The measure of your freedom will determine the measure of your worship."

I brush out my hair in front of the mirror. I got baptized today and afterward, they baptized me with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit baptism is when they pray that the Holy Spirit fills you up. It's a whole process and a lot of explaining. I know it's dark and maybe not an appropriate time, but I just had to go to my little place. There's even electricity. I put on the music and take a seat on the chair that stood there in the empty room.
"God, thank you for anointing me and blessing me. God, I don't want anything that's not for or from You. If this life isn't for You, then I don't want to live it. Use me God in everything You need me. I repent of my thoughts and my actions. Jesus, I love you," I throw my head back and raise my hand starting to worship with the music. The cold wind rushes in like a storm and I feel my body getting weak. "Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. For the hands that hold you now."
I drop my face in my lap and hug my head. The thought of how much Jesus loves me, so much that He paid my price. He shed his blood, sweat, and tears, but hanging on the cross He saw me. He saw my face and He saw my life. That's when Jesus knew, it was worth it.

I already see so much potential in this place. I can't wait for the end results. My eyes go to the plumber who approaches me with a big smile.
"We are nearly finished with the pipes," he says. I give him a strange look.
"Wait, I didn't pay anything on this yet. You didn't even send me a quotation. How will I know if I can even afford this?" I ask him unhappily. Oh God, forgive me for murdering this man in my mind now more than ten times.
"Ma'am, it's already paid for," he replies. I was just about to fight with him, but it strikes me like lightning. Wait, so somebody paid for this? Who?
"There must be some mistake," I chuckle awkwardly and excuse myself. God, is this Your doing? I exit the building on my way to Steven that just stopped there with the kids. Maybe he has something to do with it.
"Ellie!" I stop and look at Natasha that came up to me from her side. She looks...different. "Ellie, Craig repented."
I gasp relieved and grabbed her around the body hugging her. She hugs me back jumping up and down in excitement.
"My son is dancing with Jesus," she looks at me trying to find the right words at the same time. "He asked me to pray with him and we prayed that he dies physically to himself and live spiritually. Ellie, my son is saved!"

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