Chapter 17

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I've been waiting for this day for more than a month. The day that I open this place. I mostly have everything to start my own daycare.
"Yes, this includes breakfast and lunch," I tell one of the parents. "We're planning on getting a jungle gym for the kids, but only when there are enough kids."
I decided to include Natasha in my project. This will keep her distracted in the right way. Distractions can often lead to rejecting your emotions and thoughts, but as soon as it's gone, you either feel the overwhelming power of what you never worked through, or you just simply switch off and nothing hurts or bothers you anymore.
There's a soft knock on the door. To my surprise it's Steven. For whatever reason he's here, it better be good. The fact that he's gone doesn't bother me anymore, because I know that God will have his hand in this whether it works out between us or not. Even that doesn't matter to me as much anymore.
"Excuse me," I say to them and walk up to him. He walks away scratching his head. I follow him in silence till he finally stopped. "Hi. What's up?"
"Did you pray for me to come back, Eleanor? Because suddenly my relationship with Charmaine isn't working out," he says. I raise an eyebrow at him and put my hands on my hips. Now, this is interesting. As much as I'd like to take credit for this, I know I owe it to God.
"I prayed for you to be happy, Steve," I reply and inhale deeply. "W-what happened? Is she having second considerations?"
"No, I am. I have doubts and...I realized that when I found myself looking for a new ring for you," he says and pulls up his shoulders with a heavy shrug. A new ring for me? Why?
"Oh my gosh," I whisper shocked, and place my fingers on my lips. His eyes burn through me. "W...what about the divorce papers? Are they..."
"In the trash? Yes," he nods his head and looks down taking a step closer to me. "Eleanor, I know this will probably take a long shot for you to forgive me, but even if it takes a hundred years, it's worth it. You are my wife, Eleanor and I am so sorry for letting you down. I'm sorry for cheating and I'm sorry for leaving."
"Oh sweetie, I already forgave you," I laugh with tears in my eyes and touch his face. My heart is beating my chest up from the inside and I feel my soul rejoicing. He smiles nervously at me and pushes his hand into his pocket.
"I know I'm supposed to go down on one knee, but I hurt my back last night sleeping on the couch," he says and brings his hand out. I laugh shaking my head and bringing my hands up to wipe off my eyes. He grows quiet waiting for my attention to go back to him. I look up at him. He has such a soft delicate look towards me. One I haven't seen in a very long time. "Ellie, will you give me the honor of being your husband and having you as my wife?"
"Before I say yes, Steven I want you to understand a few things," I place my hands on his that held the ring. "Our focus is on God. Marriage is like a triangle. God is the point that draws us closer the more we focus on Him. This is the only way our marriage will work."
"Sounds perfect with me," he smiles. I giggle and put my arms around his neck. He puts his arms around my waist and buries his face in my neck. "I love you, Ellie."
"I love you too," I whisper and squeeze my eyes tight. God, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. "Stevie, I can stay here forever, but I'm currently busy interviewing parents."
"I know," he looks at me and brings his hand between us holding the ring. It's a cluster ring with a matching wedding band. I don't even care if it's another silver cubic ring or a real diamond with gold or platinum, it's the thought that comes with it. "I'll try settling down so long and then see you afterward."
"Okay," I nod and give my left hand. He pushes the rings unto my fingers and kisses my forehead. "There's cake and some other deserts in the fridge. Help yourself out, okay?"
"Okay," he nods and turns around. I grab his shirt which immediately brought his attention back. I don't even know why I pulled him back. "Sorry."
He laughs, touches my cheek, and gives me a peck on the lips. I kiss him back and let him go. Steven pulls away, sends me a wink, and heads back towards the house. I inhale deeply and hug myself filled with so much joy. It took me finding Jesus to find my family. It took me seeking God to find my identity. It's just like this little building. It was filled with scrap and honestly, it was ugly. It had to be cleaned out and restored in order to be used. I'm this little building. To answer the question of what love really is. Love is a powerful feeling that holds unto three things in life. It's sacrifice, commitment, and trust. God is Love. God sacrificed His son. Jesus was committed to going through the crucifixion. Now it's up to us to Trust in God.

Not all things end in happy ever after, but God restores to us everything that would've caused us our unhappy endings.

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