Chapter 9: First Man of the Future

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ES-01 reclined on his elbow, his eyes drinking her in with admiration. He was a handsome, confident type with light, blue eyes that seemed to consider everything around him carefully. Though he knew how to hide that diligence behind a seasoning of charming bravado that would take him far. In fact, if he could quell his judging gaze a bit and learn how to use his words and not just his prowess, she wondered if there would be any limit to his success.

Upon meeting the soldier, she immediately understood why Rov had chosen him. Rov had plans for ES-01 that the young soldier could not even begin to grasp. Ambition, charm, and determination were all traits that Rov admired. If she was honest, so did Alanja.

She smiled with a quick sigh as she let her gaze drink in ES-01. The soldier was likely a gift for Alanja from her doting older brother; he was offering her a chance at all the things she had lost when her husband died at the beginning of the war. If there was a secret checklist squirreled away somewhere of what Alanja sought in a companion, Rov checked off every box with ES-01. Everything about the man seemed hand-picked for her. Tall and handsome, well built and cunning with a sense of honor. And now, Rov had sent the two of them off to inspect various aspects of the city. Alanja would have to playfully berate Rov for his game, even if secretly, she was thankful for his thoughtfulness.

"So, Admiral Rampart's sister?" he asked as they walked along the bridge over the hundreds of thousands of tanks of cloned infants.

"Yes. Admiral Rampart is my older brother, and Governor Tarkin is one of our dearest family friends."

He nodded, his gaze looking out over the bacta tubes. "Look at them all," he said, marveling at the tubes in muted horror just as Alanja had when she first arrived.

"They are quite a sight," she remarked. "All of them just alike. No names. Just a number."

"I am glad the Empire sees the madness of such an army."

"Do they?" she said quizzically.

He arched his brow. "Is that a jab at me, Miss Rampart?"

"Alanja," she corrected.

He looked shyly at his feet when she said her name. Strength and confidence in battle did not prepare ES-01 for this sort of engagement. She would have to educate him on the wiles of social maneuvering. Right now, ES-01 was a little flatfooted at the repositioning of her control. He had not expected her to force the issue of using her first name. "Names have power, ES-01."

Rolling his shoulders, his expression hardened as if he suddenly realized he might seem weak. Men were so amusing. All of them were vulnerable to a soft word, a dainty smile, or even the sultry bat of feminine lashes.

Alanja leaned over the railing as if her question was idle conversation. "What is yours?"

ES-01 stopped, stiff at her request. "It doesn't matter, Miss Rampart. My designation as an Elite Soldier is more than it ever was."

Giving him a sympathetic look, she put her hands on her hips. Her come-follow-me curls fell over her shoulder. "Do you really think Rov's only intentions for you are gun-toting?"

Looking a little confused, he folded his arms over his broad chest. "What are you saying, Miss Rampart?"

"Alanja. Call me, Alanja."

He swallowed hard. "Alanja. What are you talking about?"

"I have spent my entire life around men like Rov and Wilhuff."

His brows pinched, and his blue eyes narrowed.

"They think you are like them somehow. At least, Rov seems to think very highly of you. Wilhuff is waiting to see if my brother is correct in his assessment of you." She glanced up at ES-01, his gaze transfixed on her. He was so perfect. Her lips parted, and a little sigh slipped by them. For too long, they stared into each other's eyes. It had been so long since she felt her heart flutter that she was terrified and exhilarated by the moment between them.

Finally, clearing his throat, he said in a heavy voice. "My name is Marjin."

"That's a lovely name."

"Not as lovely as yours, Alanja Rampart," he purred, holding out his elbow for her to take.

Her cheeks reddening just like his, Alanja accepted his offer and put her hand around his armored forearm. Instantly, something a little more than just friendship bloomed between them when she touched Marjin. Her skin prickled with electric anticipation.

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