Chapter 13: Decommission and Reclaim

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Corsair and his men were so tense that she could feel it even though their faces were hidden behind their scowling helmets. "Stick close, Miss Rampart," warned Corsair. "You might not like what you see down here." Tucked in tight formation around her, Alanja could make out some of their hushed comm chatter as they trailed behind Nala Se.

Though Alanja didn't particularly like them, she had chosen to respect Corsair and his squad. In return, they had grown protective of her beyond just orders. They would eagerly spend their bodies to save her if need be, not just because they must, but because they were loyal to her. Her kindness had transformed them. Though Alanja was not a part of their brotherhood, the four of them had exhibited affection for her. Surprisingly, they had become quite friendly, and she was beginning to understand which of them was speaking even with their helmets on as their individuality took form.

Like Crosshair, the four clone bodyguards had developed a taste for the fancy treats she kept for her and Rov. She smiled. They were all a bit cute about it, always trying to hide just how pleased they were when she offered them slices of berry muffins after her dinners with Crosshair.

"They've taken quite a liking to you," Crosshair had said last night with disdain.

"Jealous?" she teased.

He harrumphed. "Hardly. Who wouldn't like you?" Though he was paying her a compliment, his tone was cold and snide.

Her head dipped, letting her come-follow-me curls fall over her satin-clad shoulders. "This is true, friend," she replied, making it clear that she knew he liked her as much as they did, perhaps more.

"You're playing with them."

She batted her smokey lashes at Crosshair. "Yes. Finding out their weaknesses is amusing. There is very little for me to do here on Kamino that is as diverting as seeing such men display affection and friendship."

Crosshair licked his teeth and stuck his toothpick in his mouth. He was quite satisfied with whatever clever opinion was dancing in his dangerous eyes. "You're losing your own game," he said, making it obvious that he was referring to the games she played with him. "You're getting attached to those regs." His gaze had then focused on hers. "Be careful thinking you are their master. Good soldiers follow orders." That statement sent chills through her. Alanja knew that Crosshair was not referring to the Kaminoans but rather to her brother and Admiral Tarkin. It was not just the regs that would follow orders. So would Crosshair. The inhibitor chips were a countdown to annihilation.

Crosshair's warning resounded in her head as Corsair and Lark quietly argued over their comms. They were complaining to one another about the Kaminoans bringing Alanja to the triage ward in person. They seemed to distrust the Kaminoans as much as she did. Alanja had begun to feel for them, even possibly trust Corsair's squad. There was a distinction in their attitudes when they followed orders because they wanted to and when the chips conformed them to an action. With the return of the casualties of the 501st, they chattered over their comms endlessly about following orders, and their countenances darkened. The four of them were angry and aggressive any time the topic arose.

"She shouldn't be seeing that! You know what's down there." Lark snapped a bit too loudly.

"Stand down, soldier," warned Corsair.

Their concern rattled her nerve. Lark noticed her misstep at his outburst. "Miss Rampart?" His scowling white helmet turned towards her. His anger rolled back, and his shoulders went stiff with professionalism. "Are you well?"

She smiled at him, "Of course." She put her hand on his arm. "Thank you for thinking of my delicate wellbeing, Lark. I know what I am going to see."

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