Chapter 21: Vengeance of a Sharpshooter

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Waving Captain Howzer away to leave them, Rov's jovial rapport with Howzer faded quickly. Howzer's attention was drawn to Alanja's arms hugging herself and the drop in her gaze.

"What's happened?" asked Howzer.

Alanja sniffed but kept her eyes down. The concern in the clone's voice was deep, and he was instantly ready to act.

Howzer had been a curious thing to Alanja, loyal in an impossible way. She wanted to believe it was not his inhibitor chip bending him to her brother's service, but how could it not be? All clones were good soldiers that were ready to follow orders. Captain Howzer was a slave to the chip like the rest of them. It was only Clone Force 99 that had escaped that fate. And it was only because of Alanja that Crosshair possessed his sometimes irritating free will.

Crosshair sneered at Howzer. "You should leave."

A glance from Rov confirmed the order, and Howzer and his men departed, closing Rov, Alanja, and Crosshair in together.

Rov strode straight for Alanja, putting his warm hands on her shoulders, his searching look begging her to gaze up at him. "Alanja?" Her name was a fearful question on his lips.

She leaned into him without explanation. Over her, as his arms encircled her, Rov asked Crosshair with just his gaze, "What has happened?"

Crosshair cocked his head. "Senator Taa had plans." He harrumphed. "I interrupted them."

Rov held Alanja tighter, but she could feel his warmth turn into fire. "Don't worry, sister. I have plans for Orn Free Taa."

Dinner with Crosshair and Rov felt electric as the two chattered on about a plan to wrench complete control over the teetering peace on Ryloth. Taa's foolhardy advances on Alanja only bolstered their strategy. Both men were enraged with the senator and eager for revenge—to punish the senator's greed and impropriety. The two of them were cunning.

"Why waste such a perfect opportunity?" asked Rov as he gave a small toast to Crosshair.

Rov disliked the clones as much as she did, but like her, even he was fond of Crosshair. Sometimes, she thought that their dark humor was cut from the same cloth. Never would she have described the two as friends, but comrades-in-arms was apt.

After dinner Captain Howzer was left behind with Alanja as Senator Taa was invited away into Rov's conquering plans. Crosshair and Rov had both given Alanja a knowing nod as they departed, drawing a concerned eye from Captain Howzer.

Like all clones, as they aged, they became more individual than the younger clones like Corsair and his squad back on Kamino; Howzer was no exception. Though he was not, Howzer seemed taller and more majestic than most, with a pronounced scaring under his left cheek. He was a valiant survivor. His black hair was clean on the sides, while the rest was neatly combed back with care. His watchful gaze was that of a warrior, commander, and empathic soul.

Alanja thought of Jango Fett then. How different the clone was from that man. Howzer's warm demeanor was straightforward yet altruistic. However, that chivalrous outward appearance was only skin deep. His inhibitor chip was still intact. And for that, he was her enemy and could be turned on her by the orders of the Kaminoans at any time.

"You're very close with Commander Crosshair." The statement was probing but not intended to be provocative or rude, just friendly as if he respected how kind she was to Crosshair.

She smiled. "Yes. The commander and I are good friends."

"Surprised he has any," laughed Howzer in his warm way. "I've heard of Clone Force 99. They are a very interesting band. Very successful in their unconventional warfare tactics. I am sure it was not easy for him to part with them."

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