Chapter 10: The Ghost Song of Mandalore

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Blaster fire was always so loud. Shrill and thrumming. Down below in the practice range were the squad of recruits handpicked by Rov to be trained by their veteran clone commander, CT-9904. They wore black armor like Crosshair, and unlike clones, they were more individual in their appearance. Even with their helmets on, Alanja knew each of them by their varying statures alone. Occasionally, they glanced her way, especially Marjin. If Rov and Wilhuff noticed, they gave no sign. Unlike the four Elite Soldiers, Crosshair never so much as indicated that there was any sort of audience watching them.

Beside them, the tall Kaminoan prime minister, Lama Su, observed the commandos with leery eyes. They were a threat to him and his people. Alanja put her hand in the crook of Rov's elbow and whispered in his ear. "How much longer?" She was eager for this to be over, hoping to have time for another stroll with Marjin again. With him at her side, she was not alone in her feelings of horror, as if his presence was a shield against the cavernous white walls and scowling, monstrous faces of the clones.

Rov gave no reply, instead focusing on his men.

Below, Marjin nodded to the watchers, gaining an approving gesture from Rov. The commando proceeded quickly to plink through the targets in rapid fire, clearly putting on a show. Though a little arrogant, she had already begun to enjoy his company. With her help, Rov would find even more favor in Marjin than he already had in choosing him for the first picks of Project War-Mantle. Marjin craved the future Rov was offering. Alanja knew that hunger, for it had also taken root in her for her new companion.

When Marjin returned her to Rov's side after their first walk together through the laboratories, Rov had that knowing look on his face like he had gotten the better of her. Rov brought Alanja to Kamino to save her and give her a new life. Alanja shook her head with a reminiscing smile. She was born to be the wife of power, and fading away in that lonely hunting lodge on Naboo was a sad waste of her life. Even she knew it. Who could have imagined that coming to such a hell like Kamino could be that little bit of light to lead her out of her darkness?

Alanja breathed in deep the clinical air of Kamino mixed in with the burning of blaster fire. That strange smell was beautiful hope. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Rov smirking. Obviously, though he had not said it aloud, she was falling into his little gift for her. Though she was not a soldier like the men below, she was not without talent, and Rov had begged her for years to stop hiding from it. Marjin was one of her rewards for compliance. Her brother had a way of seeing the potential in others often before they even saw it for themselves. That was the real reason Alanja was here on Kamino, after all. He had recruited her too into his service as the ambassador to this retched place.

Alanja let go of Rov and laced her fingers under her chin with a smile for Marjin. Rov's first pick had been just for her. Marjin reminded her a little of her late husband, headstrong and daring.Through Marjin's blaster fire, a strangely melodic rhythm began to dominate the firing range below. Furrowed brow, Alanja leaned over the railing to get a better look at him, but Marjin was no longer the one shooting. The cadence of the shots was none other than the ballad she had played for Crosshair in the officer's galley. Alanja cupped her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. Crosshair was singing the Mandalorian ballad to her with his rifle blasts.

Marjin's eyes shot up at her, hearing her giggle, and then glared over at his clone commander.

"Impressive, isn't he," Lama Su remarked at the prowess of Crosshair's performance.

"Yes," Alanja answered for Rov and Tarkin. She was sure Marjin would have much to say about it.

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