Chapter 25: Burden of Duty

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The sunlight was bleeding red on the city below. Her chair pulled up beside the window in her bedroom, Alanja watched the waves of heat shimmer over the horizon where the blinking beacon of the nearest refinery greeted with faint blue peace. The cathartic rhythm lulled her into a hypnotic stare as Rov entered. She sighed, knowing he was about to interrupt her dozing with a scheme. The man never seemed to rest.

Her brother was tall and proud, his brown hair combed back, uniform pristine. Rov Rampart was everything. He was what it meant to be a gentleman and an officer. The men and women that served under Rov revered him, and those that commanded him respected him. A mere nod from Rov Rampart filled soldiers with so much morale that she had seen them practically float with pride. It was an honor to be in Rov's presence and to gain his approval. His reputation was powerful, his influence was vast, and he knew it well.

"I see you brought me a gift," she sighed. It was her favorite drink on Ryloth. The boon was to ease the blow of his coming request.

"Go make a statement, Alanja," said Rov, handing her a watered-down flute of Rylothian absinthe.

Grimacing, Alanja took the token of brotherly goodwill from him. The bright green liquid was balmy and dark flavored with a hint of pear. "I'm a little tired, Rov. Can't it wait until tomorrow?"

"I know you are weary. But now is the time to strike your blow. Time is ticking. Senator Taa will not see it coming. No one will." Rov smirked at her, glancing at the ruined Rylothian dress on her bed as she took another sip. His mood was not lightened much from earlier, but at least his humor was intact.

"He's awake," she frowned into the glass. She had been sure the headshot the Twi'lek had taken from Crosshair's rifle would have afforded her a little more time away from the blue cur.

Rov took a step towards the crimson-stained dress. His handsome lips curled. "You should wear it." Mirth oozed from him.

"That's dark, Rov," she admonished.

He chortled. "Effective." Smug, Rov glanced back over his shoulder at her. "We should waste no time digging your feet in. Even with Syndulla and his sycophants captured, there is much influence to be managed. Taa has many allies. You should make them yours. When we're finished with Kamino, I want you to take Taa up on his offer to bring you to Ryloth as a roaming Imperial Ambassador."

Alanja's face screwed up, and she shook her head. "You want me to move here?"

"I want you to rule here," he said in his deep, don't-argue-with-me voice.

"Wouldn't I be put to better use somewhere else?"

His brows pinched, and a shadow fell over his eyes when she huffed at him. "Think of it like a summer home," he offered. Though his tone was conciliatory, she knew better. He was telling her to do this, not asking her. Continuing the polite persuasion, he added, "No one is permanently at their summer home."

"I want to be with you."

"I said summer home," he replied with a slight sneer. "No one lives in a summer home, Alanja. It is a strategic retreat."

"You think I need a place to hide?" Was he serious? Her shoulders deflated, and she bit her lower lip. He was being serious.

Rov took the flute from her and had a sip. "Now that things are progressing, we need to think ahead. Make more friends here. You're good at that."

"I know," she seethed. "But you make it more difficult."

He smiled. "There is a vacuum of pleasant leadership on Ryloth. Your talents are well-suited here."

She took the flute back from him when he let it hover at his side. "Unfortunately, I am well aware."

"You are greatly admired here already."

"Who are you trying to convince," she snorted. "Me or you?"

"Keep your ear to the ground for trouble. People trust you, and we have quotas of doonium meet."

"You're asking me to go see, Senator Taa? Make friends?"

"Yes. Friends," he said with sarcasm. "He will never see it coming." Rov gave a quiet, dark laugh. "I think it would do good for the senator to have some pleasant company," he said in a severe and mean tone while his handsome face remained placid. "Make a show, dear sister. Make a show."

Raising an eyebrow, she replied, "Are you going to make Captain Howzer escort me as well?" Rov caught her warning and sighed as if she was being ridiculous. "Of course not. For now, we should keep Howzer and Taa far away from one another."

"Wise," she sneered at him. Alanja reclined in her chair and took a sip, her simmering gaze only seeming to embolden him with vengeance. "What's the message?"

But she knew.

Don't resist the will of Rov and Alanja Rampart.

"Commander Crosshair awaits you in my office. He will escort you to Taa. You can tell him together."

"Crosshair," she breathed. "Rov?"

"The two of you should stop bickering," he complained. "Truly. The two of you need to stay focused."

Her cheeks reddened. "What if he's right?"

Rov arched a brow. "About what, Alanja?"

"Clone Force 99."

"About his old squad?"

"Yeah," she said with concern.

"I am going to tell you the same thing I told him. We have a battalion here. We need to stay focused."

"They're dangerous, Rov. I read their files on Kamino. If we could bring them into the fold again...."

He leaned over her in the chair. "Stay focused. Finish one thing at a time, sister. You have enough to handle without worrying about that."


"Alanja. We're safe here. Keep it that way and go see Taa."

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