Chapter 14: Bad Feelings

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"You have become quite bold, Corsair," Alanja said as she ignored his warnings about entering the clone barracks.

After leading her back to her apartments from the triage hall yesterday, Corsair had taken on a far more protective attitude. He had not known what to do when she began weeping when she was out of sight of Nala Se.

"Good soldiers follow orders," she said a little too coldly.

That made all four of her clone escorts bristle.

Corsair leveled the black eyes of his helm down at her. "Ma'am. I am charged with your safety. The men can get rowdy."

She smoldered up at him. "Indeed. Not to worry. I have you four at my side."

That did not satisfy Corsair, but he relented anyway. He had to obey her; it was programmed in. Besides, his resistance had little to do with her safety. The four clones were not worried about her entering the barracks so long as they were with her. They just disliked Commander Crosshair and knew that the ES Unit accommodations were her destination.

When she stepped into the ES unit barracks, Crosshair spoke first. "You do wander where ever you like, don't you?"

"I wanted to see where you all live," she lied. Crosshair's narrowed gaze made clear that he knew better. At their bunks, the others of the ES unit stood at attention when she came in among them, but not Crosshair.

"At ease," she ordered them. "As you were."

Obedient, the squad returned to their duties as Alanja walked among them, peering over their shoulders at their datapads or studying how they cleaned their weapons. With her back to Crosshair, she spoke to him alone. "Admiral Rampart said you are leaving for Bracca."

"That is the plan."

Alanja bit back at him, surprising herself that already her emotions were breaking through. "He said it was at your insistence."

The other soldiers glanced between the two of them.

Crosshair touched the right side of his head as though he had a headache. His dark eyes lit with malice. "We have intel that Clone Force 99 has been spotted there. It is our chance to capture them."

Recalling the lockdown that ensued when Clone Force 99 had fought their way free of Kamino the day Admiral Tarkin had Nala Se re-enforce Crosshair's chip, Alanja feared this mission was a direct result of his forced obedience. Would it get him killed? Would the Kamimoans 'reclaim' what was left of her friend like she had seen them do to so many other clones?

She managed to keep her voice from quivering as she said, "I don't like it."

Crosshair scowled. "No one likes war, Miss Rampart."

Incorrect. War was hell, but clones were made for it. In battle was when they felt most alive. They didn't even know what to do with themselves outside of it.

"Take a stroll with me, Commander."

He cocked his head, his eyes flickering about the room at his soldiers. Don't make me order you, she pleaded silently. Though brooding, he followed her into the hall where her four guards waited. Corsair and his men stiffened when at the appearance of Commander Crosshair. Darkly amused with the regs' discomfort, Crosshair glowered at them.

Alanja slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow, drawing the ire of her four guards. Crosshair stiffened too, but he started walking when she did. "Wait for me here," she ordered her escort.

"But ma'am, our orders are—"

"Corsair," Alanja interrupted.

"Admiral Rampart ordered us—"

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