Chapter 19: The Boy and His Scope

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The evening was remarkably wonderful. Dinner was fun. Even Taa seemed innocently amused by offering Crosshair new things to try. Though still a bit disgusted with Taa's company, Alanja was impressed that at least he did understand wooing and entertaining guests.

"You must try this Jogan Fruit pudding, Miss Rampart," Taa said, holding out his spoon from his dish towards her to personally place it in her mouth. "It is the best thing of the evening."

Under the table, Crosshair's knee pressed firmly against hers as if he would hold her back from it when she leaned forward. Sensing the rise from him, Alanja placed her napkin into her lap to hide her move to push his muscled leg back with her hand so she could reach the spoon. Crosshair mimicked her by putting his napkin on his lap and grabbing her hand on his knee, clinching it just short of causing her pain. His glare almost made her choke on the sweet and sour pudding when she finally got her mouth over the spoon.

"Oh, my," she coughed. Taa looked concerned when she cupped her palm over her lips. Her eyes shot up at him in surprise. "That was incredible!"

Taa's fat face split into a grin as she waved at him for another bite. Under the table, Crosshair still had her hand.

When Taa held the spoon out for her again, to his disappointment, she took it from him this time and turned to Crosshair. She looked deep into his brown eyes, feeling his trepidation as if they were drowning together in the stormy seas of Kamino. She cocked her head to remind him that 'good soldiers followed orders.' His throat bobbed nervously as she put the spoonful of pudding to his tight lips. Slowly, they opened their mouths together as she pushed the spoon into his, closing their lips in tandem.

"Fantastic, is it not, friend?" she said as she gave the spoon back to Taa and dabbed at the corners of Crosshair's mouth with her napkin.

He swallowed hard, never taking his eyes off of hers. "Yes."

The way he said that one word shattered her. It was warm and trusting. A great spark jolted through Alanja. In that moment, she understood nothing, and the control she had been cultivating between them splintered apart. Her insides went tight as his hand under the table still did not let her go.

Realizing she was staring at Crosshair like a fool, Alanja yanked her hand away from his grasp. Attempting to cool her embarrassment, she took a sip of wine and rose to her feet, Crosshair and Taa instinctively standing with her. Both of them were stunned by her reaction. Taa was confused, but Crosshair looked scared as if he had made a terrible mistake. That look of fear was just short of panic. She could feel it as if he was silently pleading for forgiveness. Alanja and Crosshair's secret games had just stepped over the line with each other.

A server pulled Alanja's chair back with a bow when she said, "I am going to get a little air." As Taa made a move to join her, she held up a gentle hand. "Wait here, Senator, and I will be right back to try the next course with you," she purred. Her head held high, she brandished a sultry smile. "I am sure it will be ravishing as this one."

Though appearing a little disappointed that she was stepping away from him, Taa put on a political grace that fooled no one as he shot a glare at Crosshair. "I will have a bowl of Jogan fruit pudding brought out just for you, Miss Rampart."

Alanja winked at him and replied, "I will try not to feed it all to my handsome escort here."

That made Taa laugh, giving her the breath she needed to break away and make for the balcony. As expected, Crosshair was fast on her heels, pushing back the sheer curtains for her to pass under them. She traced her fingertips along the stone railing and walked out of sight of the other diners and staff.

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