Chapter 26: Taa's Friendship

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Alanja flourished a brilliant smile as she greeted the troopers of her escort, sure to keep her cloak closed over her gown. When she stepped out of Rov's office among them, she cupped her hands at her right side and feigned that she was hiding a surprise.

"Hello, boys," she purred with demure glee. Even through the scowls on their war-worn, white helms, Alanja could feel how happy they were to see her. "Take off your helmets. I have something for you."

They glanced past her as Crosshair approached. Resisting the dread he cast over them, she leaned in.

"Come on now," she insisted. "Off with them. We've all had quite a long day. Let's have a small moment of pleasure together. Everything does not have to be dour." She batted her lashes and smirked in Crosshair's direction as if making a joke of his coldness.

Teller and Gimbal, Howzer's closest men, were the first to comply. Putting his helmet under his left arm, Teller smiled at her; while Gimbal did not, his expression was less hard than expected.

"Hold out your hand, Teller," she said. Like Howzer, Alanja would have liked Teller if he were not a clone.

Quirking his brow, Teller mirrored her playful smirk and put forth his gloved palm. Concealing her prize, she placed her left hand over his, the scope ring glinting as she met his gaze with a mischievous grin. Teller and the others were like infatuated little boys as she slowly slid her fingers away, revealing a small piece of amber-colored candy.

"Shh," she giggled while hushing them. "They are from Admiral Rampart's personal stash."

Teller's eyes went wide, and he almost dropped it. Beside Alanja, Crosshair murmured "reg" under his breath.

"Hurry," she laughed. "Put it in your mouths before he catches us!"

Teller popped the candy in his mouth and stepped aside for his comrades to get their treats. Gimbal stared at the candy while the others eagerly savored theirs. She considered him, careful to keep a smile on her face. He had been there when Rov and Crosshair took down Senator Taa. She hoped his hesitation was not related, but it might be. Though the clones didn't know it, this was a test. Slowly, Gimbal placed the treat in his mouth and immediately donned his helmet as if to hide the guilty pleasure of it.

Alanja patted Teller on the shoulder and dusted off her hands when a bit of grim stained her fingers. "Let's go for a walk," she said. "Helmets on."

Under her complete control, the clones donned their helmets with happy smiles. Crosshair just shook his head at her. She wondered if the other clones noticed that she gave him no candy. If they did, they dare not mention it. Crosshair was their superior, after all.

They definitely noticed when she slipped her left hand in the bend of Crosshair's elbow. As often as she had done that here on Ryloth, it always got attention. Her feet aching from exhaustion, she leaned into him a little, allowing Crosshair to pull her forward. Her feelings were still singed from their arguing, but she tried to just enjoy his nearness. She hoped he did the same. However, he was so cold that she was unsure.

Halfway to Senator Taa's private residence, Crosshair finally spoke. "You look tired, friend."

"Indeed I am, commander," Alanja purred. Predictably, he bristled when she called him Commander instead of friend. "Circumstances have interrupted my respite here."

Around them, the clone escort provided by Captain Howzer tried to pretend to be uninterested in their small talk, especially the two closest, Teller and Gimbal. But Alanja knew better. After saving their brothers from returning to Kamino, she was sure her renown traveled quickly. All of them stole glances at the scope ring on her finger. There was no doubt in her mind that they knew where it came from. Likely, they had trained with a similar scope as young clones. When he thought she wasn't paying attention, Crosshair often stared at the ring on her too.

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