Chapter 17: Two Minds in Fear

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"How come we didn't know he was there?!" Clint yelled, after the events at the club with Loki were explained to everyone back at the tower. "She said he was inside her mind. When we left, she further explained that he was watching her from the other side of the club and forced a great pain in her mind if she so much as squeaked in our direction." Steve explained this, and Tony nodded. "Good news is I had Jarvis scan her head. He had to use magic to get inside her thoughts and he was able to pick up small traces of it. He's getting sloppy and didn't remove enough of his work to keep it from being analyzed." "In other words?" Bruce asked. "It means his magic is now in our computers. We can use it to track him. If he uses his abilities again, we'll find him immediately." Natasha finished Tony's thoughts. "Hey! I was gonna tell the surprise!" Thor sighed, "Loki is tricky. If he knows this he'll surly find a way around your plan." "So he won't find out. I'm a genius, I'll figure the rest out. For now, we should go see how she's holding up." Tony said and Steve nodded. In fact, a moment later Steve was the one who left to go see if she was ok. Natasha raised a brow, "Don't tell me. . . ."

"Eeeyup. He's got a crush it seems," Tony said.

One story down from where the team held their meeting, (y/n) was in her room, well, guest room, where she was typing up her new story. Her cat, Skittles, remained cuddled up next to her.

The cat wasn't with her when she came back from Jotunheim. She guessed that Loki didn't want the cat around so he left the animal on Tony's door step.

As she typed up her story, there was a knock at her door. She picked up her head, then softly spoke, "Come in." Sure enough, Steve was there and entered a moment later. He was holding two mugs of hot chocolate and had a gentle smile. "Hey. . . Thought you might be up. I know the time of year is off but, I brought hot chocolate." She smiled softly back at him and gestured for him to come sit beside her. "Thanks," she said, and he smiled a little more. He closed her door, then walked over to sit beside her. "How are you making out?" He asked, and handed her the mug. She closed her lap top, and set it to the side where cat was sitting. Skittles jumped down once she saw the computer hovering above her. (Y/n) shrugged as she held the mug, "I'm, alright. . . I suppose. . . Not exactly hurt at all so, that's a plus." "Yea. . . But you still seem a little off," Steve said. "I had a god in my brain. I highly don't recommend it." He nodded then, and sipped his drink. "Think you'll be ok?" He asked, awkwardly. He wasn't sure what else to say to her. "I'll be fine soon enough. Once this nightmare is over with. . . Tell you what though, it's given me more ideas to write about." Steve smiled at this then, "Oh yea? Like what?" She looked back at her lap top, then her mug, "I was thinking about writing a story that indirectly relates to the crazy drama I'm going through now. . . That way I have some way to vent about this." He nodded as he listened to her, "That might help you out. If you need anything, really, you can always come to me, or one of the other team members." She looked up at him with the same gentle look he had, and nodded softly, "Thank you Steve."

Then next day, (y/n) was back on her laptop typing away at a story, the one she planned on writing so she could handle the stress. In the middle of her writing, there was a disturbance by Jarvis over an intercom. "Miss (l/n)? Mr. Stark wishes to see you."

"Tell him I am not interested in a date for the fourth time please," she answered.

"It's not about that sweetheart, we need to talk a little more about your powers." Tony said as he interrupted Jarvis' call. She sighed reluctantly and answered back, "What about?"

"Meet us in the training room and you'll find out." He ended his call there and she sighed again, more like a groan. "Jarvis, where is the training room?"

"I shall direct you there as you walk," the A.I. answered. She thanked him, got dressed and bushed her hair, then left the room to find the rest of the members. Once making to the training room, she saw everyone gathered behind a glass window in the far left corner of the room. It was a separate room designed for the team to view combat training of other members. There was a glass door that lead into the small conference room, and a long rectangular table made of steel with the Avengers logo in the center made of black glass. Everyone had a seat, and there was even an extra chair for her. "Have a seat (y/n)." Steve said and she looked a little confused due to the tone of his voice. "Steve, you make it sound like I was sent to the principal's office." He looked back at her, still serious, but tried to ease her mind. "You're not in trouble, not with us anyway."

"So what's the problem?" She asked. Thor then spoke up, "Loki wanted to capture you for your powers," "We know that already He Man," Tony muttered. Thor raised a brow at him, then focused back on (y/n). "Loki needs you so that he can free himself from the Chitauri." Clint and Natasha both looked up at him, as did Bruce in that same moment.

"The Chitauri? Didn't he get away from them when your father locked him up?" Clint asked.

"Yes, only after he escaped they found out that he was still alive and no longer protected by Asgard's prison. They want him dead," Thor explained.

"How did you find out about this?" Natasha asked next. "My mother was the one who taught Loki all of his tricks. She was trying to reach him when she heard that he had kidnapped a mortal, and in doing so she found out that he was being tortured, and that there was a deal made."

"What deal?" Steve then jumped into the conversation.

"The Chitauri leader is in need of a great power that can separate worlds from one another, or even wipe them out entirely. (Y/n) has exactly that power, which was why Loki was training her back on Jotunheim."

"So Loki would trade her life for his?" Bruce concluded out loud. Thor had a serious but grim look on his face as he nodded to Bruce, and the girl looked over at Steve in slight fear. "We won't let them have you, don't worry."

"Loki is a coward who will most always put himself first before others. I would not doubt that he will try again to take her to them so that he may save himsef."

"So he's in fear of his fate with them, and she's a victim of his mess. This should be fun." Clint muttered to himself.

Tony looked around the room, then back to Thor, "What's the game plan?"

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