Chapter 6: A New Approach

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She walked into her room trying to hold her temper down, throwing herself on her back landing on the bed. Her arms bent and hands resting on her stomach.

In the livingroom, Loki slowly sat up holding his head with one hand. "ah... Gods..." He looked around at the damage and held his hand up to his forehead. It dawned on him shortly after, "Wait a minute..." He looked at the wall and crater again. "WITCH!"

Loki stormed up and went striaght to (y/n's) room slamming the door open. "How did you do it?!" He shouted at her. She picked her head up to look at him, "Do what?" She answered plainly. He leaned down and grabbed her by the wrists and pull her up to meet him, "The binding spell on your hands. You broke it! How?!" He barked. She raised her brow then realized he was right. How did she break it? She looked down at her hands and saw they no longer glowed. "I... I dont know..." She answered as she continued to look at her hands. He growled and released her, throwing her back to the bed. "Hey-!" She yelled, as she hit the mattress. He stood above her in thought. Then walked out not saying a word. (Y/n) sat up and threw her pillow at the door as he closed it.

Loki put a hand to his chin as he walked off to the small library in thought. He entered and grabbed a book from the shelf. A thick spell book, made of leather with patterns on it and a leather belt holding it shut. Loki unbuckles the book's belt and opens it with heist. Flipping to the page that he desired. He reads the spell again in silence, mumbling a few words here and there. "The binding spell... binds anything... magic restraints..." His finger tails down the page and he finds the little tid bit of information he missed. He read out loud in a low, barely audible voice, "The spell can be broken if put under too much pressure. In rare case's the the one who is binded can break the restraints should enough pressure build up from within or around the restraints." He was incredibly annoyed at this and threw the book on the chair after reading. Growling to himself as he thought of what to do with her now.

Down the hall in her room (y/n) was on her bed, writing. She found paper and a few fountain tip pens in the nightstand and began writing down story ideas. She figured if she was going to be trapped her she should at least get some work done, and let out a bit of steam. This didn't last long. Since she had been unconscious most of the day, and had a late start besides, her day was cut short. It was around eight o'clock at night, and the sun would go down in half an hour, (which she loved because it was a reminder to her that it is still summer time). She didnt like to write after dark because she knew she wouldnt stop once she started. Writing, after all, was her passion. She killed 30 minutes writing a new story and then put the things back in the nightstand.

(Y/n) was still hungry, and decided to try and go eat again. She made her way to her door and peeked out to make sure the aggravated God wasnt there. She saw no one and made her way to the kitchen. When she made it, she opened the cabinets to grab a plate, opened the fridge and tossed some fruit on her plate. Some grapes, kiwi, bananas, apples and strawberries. She wanted to make a smoothie with the kiwi, bananas, and strawberries but saw no sign of a blender. After getting her food (y/n) took a seat at the table in the dinning room and ate.

In the library, Loki heard her moving. He didnt want to see her just yet. He knew now that he needed a different approach if he was going to use her without her killing him before the end of the day. He thought long and hard, and decided he would leave everything to his silver tongue and charm. He walked out and headed to her room. Not making a sound as he moved down the hallway. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Loki went in, assuming she was asleep. When he saw no one he looked around. She wasnt a messy person. Even though she was only there for a few hours, the room was still well kept. As he walked around he noticed there was a corner of paper sticking out of the top drawer of the two drawer night stand. Curiosity got the better of him and he opened it, finding a few pages that were written on. Front to back. He sat at the edge of her bed and read the story to himself quietly. It was a very sad story. About a girl who didnt feel accepted, didnt get along well with her family, and always felt alone. There was no name for this girl. There weren't any names on the sheets at all. He thought it was strange. Loki heard movement in the kitchen and put everything back the way it was. He left to go investigate and saw (y/n) eating fruit at the table in the dinning room.

She sat there in silence, looking a little sad as she ate. Loki noticed the look on her face and wondered if it had to do with the story she wrote. Her expression reminded him of himself in his youth... He shook his head of his thoughts of sympathy and he cleared his throat before walking over. He sat in front of her to speak, "Since you'll be staying here, perhaps it would be best if we tried to get along." (Y/n) picked her head up and looked at him unamused. "When you start. I'll start," she said with a snarky tone. Loki held his breath and tried not to say anything that would complicate things. There was silence for a moment before he spoke up again. "If you wish to request some of your things, it's best you do so now, while I'm still feeling generous," he said sternly. (Y/n) sighed and sat up. "I want my clothing, shoes and accessories in my room. I want my desk, books, my work and laptop. With the internet connection. And my cat with all her needs." She stated starnly back to him. He smirked, "So she's demanding. Thats new." She didn't answer him, just glared. He rolled his eyes at her, "Fine have it your way," he said.

He got up and walked to her room, ushering for her to follow him. (Y/n) got up, taking her plate of food with her, and followed him to her room where he was waiting inside. "Close the door and come he-" he paused. "Put the food down." She rolled her eyes and reluctantly sat the plate on the dresser. She walked back over to him and waited with her arms crossed silently. Loki looked back at the door and made a green light trail up the door slowly. When it stopped at the top of the door he looked at her, "Go on," he said calmly.

(Y/n) raised her eye brow at him before looking over at the door. She walked over and slowly turned the handle. Upon opening it, she saw a different colored floor. Her floor in her livingroom. She froze, then continued to walk in. She was home... briefly. As soon as she walked in, her cat Skittles ran over and meowed at her. The poor thing had not eaten all day. "Oh... my god...," was all she could say as she looked around the room. Loki let himself in and looked around. "Mmm..." he 'said.' "Well gone on. Collect your belongings. We wont stay long," he reminded her. She nodded and walked around. First she moved her cats things and then the cat back to the other residence. After, she started moving her clothing out, walking up and down the stairs while Loki sat in a chair and read her books. The ones she wrote. "Can't you help?" She asked, sounding a little annoyed. He focused on the book as he answered, "I brought you here did I not?" She rolled her eyes and continued moving her things.

About an hour and a half later she was finished. Loki walked back to his residence and she soon followed. He used his magic once again to make the door return to normal, while (y/n) set up her room. She flopped on the bed when she was finished. Tired from doing everything in her own. Skittles jumped up on the bed and looked up at Loki. She meowed and he looked at the furry creature bewildered. "What is that fat creature?" He asked curiously. (Y/n) picked her head up and looked at them to answer his amusing question. "That's my cat, Skittles. She's a house pet." Loki raised an eye brow looking at the cat. "Skittles? Such a strange name... does it bite?" (Y/n) turned on her side to lean her chin in her palm. "She. And no she does not. She's very sweet."

He hummed in response before turning to leave. "You have your things now. You should be more comfortable. For now, get some rest. We have training tomorrow." He said to her as looked at her from askance. She followed him with her eyes the whole time. When he was about to close the door she spoke up, "Loki." "Yes?" He asked. She continued, "Thank you." He nodded to her, closed the door, and went on his way.

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