Story Prologue

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  She was known for her kindness. Always helping others, volunteering when she could. Even donating to charities during the holidays. She was a bright young girl. In school her grades were just above average, but not perfect. Although she did not have a talent for sports, she never stopped trying new things. She liked (f/s) and her hobbies were (f/h) and (f/h). She also secretly enjoyed art. Painting, drawing, and photography were her favorites. She was also obedient, knew and used her mannors and was polite to everyone. Even to people she had never met. Yes, (y/n) was, in the eyes of many, a "perfect girl."

  However, every girl has her secrets; and (y/n) was no exception. While she kept a seemingly perfect image, and smiled warmly to everyone as if nothing was ever wrong, deep inside her something was very wrong.

  School was never easy. Because she lived in a low life town growing up, her classmates would constantly tease her for being differnt. Different meaning, she liked her activities over most sports, she didn't smoke, drink, or cause trouble. Even her taste in music was different. It was laughable to her peers. Her torment started in middle school, and escalated in high school. Until one day, when she was eightteen years old, a senior in high school, and the laughter from her classmates became so unbearable, she finally stood up for herself. The girl who tormented her the most pushed her to edge until (y/n) stood up and fought her head on. Everyone was shocked, and even scared of her after that. In her fit of rage, she not only beat up the girl so badly she had to be hospitalized, but discovered she had a strange ability. She could control gravity in the palm of her hand. Force someone or something away, or pull them to her. She was untouchable. 

  She ran away that day, and moved to a new city in hopes of living her life as happy as she could make it. Refusing to never acknowlage her abilities again, she hid them away and never told anyone what she was capable of. But no matter how far she ran, those memories would always haunt her...

  Now at the age of twenty-five, (y/n) has started her life. After graduating from college and moving to New York City, she finally began her life as a writer. She writes all kinds of stories. Romance novels, actions, and sometimes, in those stories, she would indirectly write about her troubles in school as a way to vent her pain. 

  Just one month ago, (y/n) released her latest book, and it became a huge hit. She let out a sigh and stared at her computer screen in the office of her cozy, modern, two story apartment. She loudly cheered to herself at her desk as she read more reviews on her book. (Y/n) turned and looked at her calico cat and smiled. "Can you believe it Skittles?! I'm finally an author! And the readers love it! They are already asking for a part two! Oh my gosh!" She got up and walked over to the other room. "I need to calm down I am getting too excited about this. Ok, ok. I'll go down to Starbucks, have a well deserved (f/d) and start thinking about ideas for my sequal." She grabbed her things and left her home. After locking up she headed straight to the elevator and waited to get to the ground level. Once she made it there she practiaclly ran out of the lobby and ran smack into a man just outside the doors.

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