Chapter 7: Training

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When Loki left her in her room he though over the events of that evening. He then remembered that he was supposed coax her into doing his bidding. Not earn her friendship. Why did he just make her comfortable with her things? Why did he not lose his temper with her in the kitchen? Why did he feel relaxed when she was happy? That's enough! Tomorrow, I will have to convince her to come on my side for my plans. I will not be made the fool. He thought angrily to himself.

Back in her room, (y/n) finished re-adjusting her things. She moved the desk from her office in her home, (without Loki's help) to the bare wall were the door was. Everything that she requested from him was present. She had her electricity and internet so she could send her next manuscript to her editor. When she was finished she changed into her favorite set of pajamas, which consisted of a large white dress shirt for a man, an ex, and her undergarments, then walked back to her bed and crawled in. Her cat, Skittles, was already waiting on the bed, curled up on the open side by her right side. She turned off the lamp and laid back comfortably, falling to sleep shortly after.

As she slept, Loki sat in the library, resting in an single white chair. His arms on the arm rests of the chair, he was leaning back with one elbow bent so he could rest his chin on the knuckles of his hand. He couldnt stop thinking about that terribly sad story he read in her nightstand. He couldn't understand what could possibly drive her to write something so depressing. He also did not understand why he was even thinking about it. This frustrated him enough to the point were he threw himself out of the chair and went straight to his room. He stormed in, throwing off his shirt and tossing it to the floor. Removing his shoes and socks, leaving him in his pants. He throws back his deep green and black bed sheets on his golden king sized canopy bed and gets into bed. He laid there thinking over the events that took place today, and how long he could keep her hidden from the Avengers. He turned for a while until finally relaxing enough to fall to sleep.

The next morning (y/n) slept in late, and was woken up by the feeling of ice cold water being thrown on her, with ice in the water as well. She jumped up and shrieked crossing her arms to keep warm. "WHAT THE HELL?!" She yelled furiously at Loki, who was standing about three feet from her bed. He looked at her, unamused. "I told you we were getting up early. It's nine in the morning and you didn't wake up on time." He finished, a smirk starting to form on his face as he noticed what she was wearing, and how clearly visible her black laced bra was. (Y/n) noticed his smirk but assumed he was enjoying her rage. "You couldn't have woken me up in a more subtle way?! And besides, you never gave me a specific time to wake up you just said be up early!" She yelled at him again. He raised an eyebrow at her, "And what do you consider early? Twelve in the afternoon? You would have slept the whole day away, had I not come in here myself to fetch you." He held his smirk as he looked at her. "I should be thanking you for your laziness. Had I not come to wake you up I would not have been entertained with your reaction and... modest nightly attire." He chuckled to himself lightly. (Y/n) looked down at her soaking wet, now see through, white shirt. Her face lit up like a firework and she grabbed a pillow to cover herself as she let out a light gasp in shock and embarrassment. The God, who was clearly amused, did not turn away. He found humor in causing her trouble any way he could. "Now then. When will you be ready? We train today." She huffed in annoyance and looked at him. "Give me thirty minutes. I'll meet you in the living room." She growled, as she sat there waiting for him to leave. "I'll leave clothing for you in the bathroom. proper attire for your training," he told her calmly, then turned on his heal to leave. "Be ready by nine thirty." He closed the door and left abruptly.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and shook her head, as she was still annoyed with him.

After killing thirty minutes getting ready, (y/n) calmly walked out to Loki, who was waiting in the livingroom, wearing black yoga pants and a tank top in (f/c) with black sneakers. Her hair was pulled back and she was ready to go. "Ok I'm ready. so what now?" She asked him with no excitement in her voice. He smirked and waved his hand to the white door on the side of the wall to the left of him. "We go to the training grounds for you to practice." He gestures to the door that had the same green wave of magic run up it as the door in her room did the other night. "Well go on," he said impatiently. She ignored his impatience and went ahead. She opened the door and saw a large open area, a desert, with a lot of rocks and lnd that stretched on for miles. No animals, people... no escape. (Y/n) looked behind her and saw the white door vanish, and she was left alone with Loki again. She looked to him and he spoke up, "If you were planning on an escape I wouldn't bother. You have a three week walk to the nearest town in each direction." (Y/n) groaned which made him smirk. "Now then, shall we begin?" She let out a long sigh and stood there with her arms folded. "Lets just get this over with."

Loki walked over to her, "Lets start by trying to fly. If you can control gravity, then you should be able to control the gravity around you and command it to move where you wish." She looked up at him, "Alright then, how?" He rolled his eyes, "Just focus using your power around you, concentrate. Simple enough?" She rolled her eyes back and moved away from him, then tried what he said and attempted to levitate. (Y/n) took a deep breath and tried to focus. She felt the gravity around her shift, almost making her float... only she just tripped herself forward and landed on her stomach. Loki stood back watching trying not to laugh at such a failed attempt. "Try it again. This time focus on your feet. Try thinking of a flat surface that will lift you up." She huffed as she tried to catch her breath after having the wind knocked out of her, then stood up. She focused again, failing three more times before she finally got it. "Alright I can levitate. Now what?" She asked. He smirked, "Now you have to learn to fly. bend the gravity around you like... what is it you mortals call it... a rip tide in the water?" She raised and eyebrow at him, "You mean like a current?" He nodded, "Exactly that." She nodded back and focused again on the gravity around her. Now that she knew how to control her gravity after learning to levitate, bending the gravity in channels to make her fly because easy. Soon enough she took off and flew in large circles around the area, yelling as the joy exploded inside her knowing that she could actually fly! Loki, meanwhile, waited impatiently on the ground tapping his boot waiting for her to return. He huffed in annoyance at her, "childish game," and used his magic to pull her back over to him from thd sky, yanking her to the ground. "Ow!" She yelled, hold her head, "Why the hell did you do that?!" He groaned, "We're here for you to practice. Not fool around." She let out an annoyed huff and got up, brushing herself off.

They killed about five hours in the heat training. Loki of course stood by using his magic to keep him cool, while (y/n) did all the work to sharpen her skills. After a while longer Loki finally decided they should go back to the apartment and rest. By the time they got back it was two thirty in the afternoon. (Y/n) moaned from being tired and went straight to her room. She pulled out some clothes, went to take a quick shower then dropped dead on her bed.

Back in the livingroom, Loki sat back and thought about what she had accomplished today. "So she can fly now, and make gravity like force fields... If I dont bring her to my side soon she could easily take me out... I'll have to be careful around her and stay on my guar," he thought to himself.

In her room, (y/n) was out of it. She fell asleep on her bed for a while until her hunger pains woke her up. Oh yea... I didnt have lunch... or breakfast... She reluctantly got up and headed to the kitchen. She pulled out more fruit and ate quietly at the table. She yawned as she ate, finished and headed back to her room. "I'll sleep for a few more hours... then work on my book..." She sighed and fell asleep again soon after.

Loki walked past the door to her room and saw it was partly open. He peeked in and found her sleeping on the bed in a position that looked like it could be comfortable for only her. He shook his head before taking one more look at her. She looked peaceful, but he knew she had another side to her. He thought to himself, What is your real story... He looked at her a moment longer before turning around to leave the room, returning to his own to read.

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