Chapter 15: Back to Midgard

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        (Y/n) was sitting in the Avengers tower, silently as she remembered what happened over the last week. She was only recently saved from being taken hostage by Loki as a way for him to gain power. (Though she's been missing for nearly a year). She was now staring blankly at her computer screen as she thought, rather than typing her final chapter to another story. There was something about the entire experience that interest her...

"(Y/n)?" Tony calls out.

She stared blankly still. What if I wrote a story, indirectly about what happened to me?

"(Y/nnnnn)?" He tries again.

Yeah, a teen series, about a girl who was kidnapped... and maybe I'll write about him successfully corrupting her mind... then add a plot twist-

"YO! (Y/N)!" He yells. This time she heard him and jumped with a scared shout. "T-tony??" She asked, a bit caught off guard. "Hey! What's up with you? You've been out of it for a week now... you doin ok?" He asked, a bit concerned for her.
"Y-yea. I'm fine. I'm fine. Just, lost in thought." He nods to her response. "
Well then," he starts, "Maybe it's a sign that you should take a break, and come out for a night on the town with us." She raised a brow suspiciously at him. "Pardon?" He smirked, his half empty Jack Daniels glass in hand. "You head me. You're comin out with us tonight for a break. It'll be fun. A great private club, top notch food and drinks; you'll have fun."

        Well at first she had no intention of leaving, actually she argued not to go for half an hour before Steve came in and asked nicely. Now, she's riding in fancy car with the Avengers, (Minus Bruce, Thor, and Natasha since they wanted to work on locating Loki) on her way to this big private club with a VIP pass. Tony was driving, like a maniac, and Steve sat beside her while Clint was egging Tony on in the passenger seat. She rolled her eyes and at times ended up holding on to Steve's arm when Tony whipped around a corner. Needless to say she feared for her life a little.

"Tony! Take it easy with the driving, you're freaking her out!" Steve yells. Tony chuckled, "You kiddin me? This is just a warm up!"

"Tony please!" She yells. Tony and Clint chuckled, "Ok ok. But only because you said please. And because it's you who asked. Well yelled." Tony says. (Y/n) sighed in relief and sat back in the car. After another few minutes of this madness, they make it to the club and Tony tossed his keys to the man waiting to park his car. Everyone gets out and they are greeted with girlish screams and shouts from fan boys. Most screaming for Tony, the rest for the two Avengers. The press took a number of photos and pictures of Steve with (y/n). They were especially surprised to see that she was back and with these men of all people. As usual, Tony handled the press while Clint and Steve pushed passed them and helped her get inside with ease.

        Immediately they were surrounded by the sound of music throughout the club and flashing lights. The club was dark, but had just enough light for people to see, move around, dance and mingle. The air smelled of mixed drinks of all sorts, and a mix of various perfumes and colognes worn by the other guests. The guests there all looked incredibly wealthy, and interested in a good time. The women were well dressed in short cocktail dresses, with some expensive jewelry to match their outfit, and high heels that could injure someone if they stepped on their dance partners foot. The majority of the men were tall and handsome, and wore expensive clothes much like Tony wore or currently had on. It's like a person wasn't allowed into the club unless they were dressed head to toe in high fashion. Of course Tony had on a very expensive outfit, but even Steve was dressed nicely for this club. Clint as well, though from the looks of it, (y/n) could have swore she saw Clint "borrow" one of Tony's suits.

"Ahhhhh... where exactly are we?" (Y/n) asked. Clint smiled, "Welcome to the luxury life of clubs filled with celebrities and big shots." "And Tony Stark." Steve adds. She chuckled and looked around. "Wow. This is awesome." She smiled as she saw a few celebrities, then her smile dimmed when she saw someone in then back on a stairwell looking at her. He looked serious, with his harsh gaze and tall figure. He was silent and had black hair with pale skin. His piercing green eyes made her shiver. That's when it hit her, "Lo-" she couldn't finish her sentence when his voice entered her head with a sharp pain. "Say anything to anyone, and I will end you," He hissed in her mind.

        At that instant she froze. "Good..." He took a moment to pause, "Did you really think I would let you go so easily? So soon? You've caused me more trouble as of late, and my patience is wearing thin." His words practically dripped with venom as he spoke to her. She however, was acting oddly. Rather than breaking into a cold sweat, freaking out, or panicking, she remained calm. However, something else was different. She wasn't fearful. Instead, she was furious. It was odd to see this, especially since she was his prisoner for so long. So what gave her such confidence? Loki noticed this immediately and growled at her, "Why such a smug look, girl?"

"You shut the hell up." She growled back to him. "You don't own me, and I am NOT your plaything. I'm not letting you attack this planet again, and I'm not going to help you period. I'm done with you." Loki was taken back by her words and raised a brow from where he was. Looking down at her with disgust. "Is that right child? Pray tell, what might you do to stop me, hm? What can any of you do to stop me?" He hissed back. "Ah, did you forget of the existence of Bruce Banner a.k.a. the Hulk?" She asked with sass. He smirked, "Oh believe me, I remember. What you have forgotten, is that I am a master of deception, manipulation. . . And, of magic. . ." It wasn't long after that, the God of Mischief disappeared.

        "Ahhh (y/n)?" Steve calls, "Hey, (y/n)? Are you still with us?" She turned to see him, looking completely confused, "Huh? What?"

"You just went spaceman on me. I was curious if you wanted to get a drink?" He asked with a soft smile. "Oh yea, sure. That'd be cool." She returned a fake smile to him, wanting to forget about Loki. "Are you ok?" He asked, and she nodded. "Yea just fine... lets have a good time." He smiled at her comment and politely led her to the bar.

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