Chapter 18: The Deal

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Hearing all of this put (y/n) in a head spin. She was targeted from the start so that she could be traded off for Loki's freedom, and now they have to face him and the Chitauri. The rest of the team talked over a plan of attack while she was in a daze trying to make sense of everything that has both happened, and will happen later on. The longer she pondered on the subject, the more she began to wonder, why hasn't she fought back? Sure she did so to get away from him the first time, but why hasn't she done so since? If deadly aliens from another world want her so badly, then she should give them everything they want in full force.
'Then I'll do that. I'll fight along side them, the Avengers, and I'll finally be done with this!' Her confidence rose for a moment, until she realized, 'What the hell am I thinking. . . ? This isn't a movie where I'm garunteed to win with my life. I haven't even been trained enough to handle this.' She then sighed and Steve glanced over at her just as he caught her mumble to herself, "I couldn't possibly survive all this." He moved his hand towards her shoulder, causing her to look up at him.
"You'll be fine. We can protect you, and train you so you'll be ready for them. Don't worry." His own confidence made her smile a little bit, which was all he needed to see. More so, his words also meant that he was confident in her ability to fight as well, and this also helped with believing in herself, and not just the others.

Later that night, (y/n) found herself day dreaming on her bed in the dark as she laid down and focused on the ceiling. The only light She had coming in was from the window as it let in the city lights and very little moonlight. She continued to reflect on what was discussed earlier about Loki's situation. Her fingers twisted the silk bed sheets, fidgiting as she thought more on the matter. "What if there were a way to protect both of us . . . ?" She questioned, and entertained the idea of not only saving herself, and possibly New York again, but also the idea of saving Loki as well. "Why can't we do both? Maybe in saving his life he'll feel like he owes me a debt," she then scoffed at herself and turned to lay on her side. "Pfft. Right. The God I pissed off the other night is going to be in my debt if I saved his life. Just like in a cartoon. Bet that will happen," she said sarcastically, but then wondered if it was possible. "Although. . . He does have some self respect and decency, so maybe he would. . . But he's evil so, would he really? Or would it be another lie?" She was silent for a moment, and closed her eyes to go back to her day dreaming of everything working out like a child's cartoon.
"So you also believe me to be evil?" His voice returned, and when she jumped up in her bed she turned behind her to see him standing by her mirror. Not thinking, but just reacting, she used her abilities to hurl a pillow at him only to see it pass through him and land on the floor. "Events like this are why I don't actually visit people in person," he says and looks from the pillow back to her. "Well? My question still stands." "Question?" She asked as she looked confused. She thought about yelling or calling Jarvis to alert the others, but part of her didn't want to do this. She wanted to talk to him one on one again, and see if ahe could work a different deal with him. "Yes," he answered, "about me being evil to you?" He says and she rolled her eyes, "Is that really a question? More like an obvious statement."
He then walks to the side and looks around her room, "For the record, I'm not evil. I'm just. . . Complicated," he says then looks back at her, "besides, if this was a matter of fact, that I was truly so evil, would you not have already called in the Avengers to save you? I think you know yourself I am not as threatening to your life as you want to believe." She was quiet, but then answered with, "Maybe not. But maybe I only know that because we both know you need me alive for your exchange." This time she made him pause in silence, and looked over at her, then looked to the floor with his arms behind his back. "So you know?" He says, with a calm, nonthreatening voice. He almost sounded as though he was upset that she reminded him of the trouble he was in. "Why didn't you say anything about it? That whole time you were training me, why didn't you bring it up?" She asked and he thought about his answer, "Would you have really believed me if I told you my situation?"
"Maybe if you had asked for help and not groom me to be ready to work for your stalkers."
"I wasn't grooming you to work for them. I was training you to fight in the hopes you would fight them back when the time came," he explained.
"And you really think that would have gone well? What makes you believe that after that fight I wouldn't have just left you to be killed by them out of rage?"
"Because I can see you aren't that kind of a person. I've noticed it back when I spent time searching for you. You're softer than you think. You might find yourself confident and strong when you react out of rage or surprise, but you pitty those you see in dismay. Did you not show any sympathy towards me when we were together in that hidden appartment. Don't think I didn't notice," he told her and she simply watched him.
"And you think I didn't notice the same about you? You're just the same. You had your moments when you were sympathetic, and showed it," she stated and he couldn't help but glance at her. "Why can't you just ask for help when you need it?" He scoffed at her question and looked back at the large windows in the room, casting light around him for her to only see his silhouette, "You really believe the Avengers would help me in a problem that involved me losing my life? They're probably hand me over on a silver platter."
"I won't lie, I'm sure the two super spies would and probably even the Hulk. But Steve and Thor would be against it. They're hero's. They don't kill people. I don't see them killing you for revenge. They might try to lock you up after. . . But they wouldn't kill you. It would be put if character for them," She said honestly.
Loki took one more look at the windows before looking back to her and slowly walking in her direction. He studied her in the dark, carefully looking at how the shadows made her look more serious. "Humor me then. What would you do?"
She changed her position, and sat up with her legs crossed on the edge of the bed with one arm over her thigh and the other arm holding her up by having her hand rest on the bed. "I would help you. There's no reason why we can't protect the city from another invasion and get you away from them. And with the powers I have, that's a force difficult to fight when it's the most important card that's in my favor."
He moved closer to her until he stood just off to the side of her where his legs were close to touching the bed. She stood up, and the small black cami top she had on ruffled a little before falling straight on her when she stopped moving. He snuck a glance down at her before she met his eyes again.
"If you let me, I'll help you get out of this situation," she said.
"For what price?" He asked.
"You leave. You don't come back. You leave me alone and forget I exist. And I wont come after you to put you in another cell. I'll even convince the Avengers to let you go."
He glanced down at her again, and didn't think before asking, "And what if I come back, even just to find you?" They were both silent, but she wouldn't break eye contact with him. "Then I guess you'll be chasing me for a long time before we meet again," she answered, and the two quietly looked back at one another without another word. The only sound heard was that of the traffic and sirens outside on the street from the city. "Deal," Loki answers, and in that moment he vanished from her sight.

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