Chapter 9: Staying on Track

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She started at the doorway in confusion for another minute. Thinking this little odd, and very unexpected event over. "What... the hell... was that?" She thought.

Down the hall in his room Loki sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hand while the other rested on his knee. "What in Laufey's name did I just do?" He mused to himself. The confused God nit only surprised his, "captive," but also himself. He probably surprised himself more than he did (y/n). Loki sat there in thought, not saying a word. He a mixture of emotions: confusion, frustration, pity... and desire for more. "No!" He yelled to himself in frustration. "Damn it to hell!"

(Y/n) shook her head to try and clear her thoughts. She went back to her room immediately after. She closed the door and marched straight to her desk to write again. Hoping it would clear her mind of the recent events.

After a few hours, around ten at night, (Y/n) stopped writing and decided to go out to the main room down the hall. She wanted to be distracted from her writing or else she would be up all night typing and not get any sleep for the next day. She sighed and closed the laptop, then backed out of the dest in her black swivel chair and turned to stand up. She took a moment to stretch and yawn, then made her way to the door.

As she opened the door and walked out she ran right into Loki. Crashing into his chest. Both of them jumping back in shock. "Sorry I didnt see you there." She says calmly as she fixed her hair, looking down at her feet. He turned his head and walked off, only saying, "You should be," in an annoyed tone. (Y/n) looked at him confused as he walked off. "What the hell is up with him?" She mused to herself.

Moments earlier, when Loki left his room, he had planned on going to see (y/n) to tell her to be ready at dawn the next morning for more trailing. As the god stepped out of his room and made his way down the hall, he couldnt help but keep playing over that little scene in the kitchen. He shook his head as he tried to forget it. Feeling embarrassed (of course he wouldnt admit to that either) he did something so ridiculous. And to a mortal? Did the heat of the day from the training earlier get to him? He tried to shake these thoughts out of his mind. However, what snapped him back to reality was also what made him a bit more embarrassed than he was moments ago. He stood in front of her white door as he was about to knock on it, when (y/n) opened it and walked straight into the tall lean figure that was Loki. (Y/n), with her cute figure and little squeak of surprise ran right into his chest. He didnt realize it at the time, but he blushed. Heavily. The two jumped back in surprise, as the close contact reminded them both of the hug from earlier. He looked away immediately, just as she apologized, then walked off after snapping back in an annoyed tone. He had heard her quiet comment and tried to ignore it as he walked to his little library. Only he couldn't ignore it. He felt another small pang of guilt as he played both comments over in his mind. "STOP IT!" He yells in his thoughts. "Why should I ever feel anything towards another? Especially a low life mortal! She's nothing! Her life is no more than dust in the wind! She's just a pawn. Nothing more... I have to focus and stay on track of my plans for this world." He thinks, trying to reassure himself that he hasn't been weakened by a mortal girl. No, absolutely not. There is no way a god of Asgard could ever soften or be softened by a human. A Midgardian... could he?

(Y/n) watched the annoyed god walk off to the library. He closed the door behind him with the curtains on the french doors pulled down, so she couldn't see inside. She rolled her eyes, thinking he was being over dramatic, and leaned against the wall in the hallway. Thinking about what she would rather do to get her mind off things again. "Hmm... maybe I'll just soak a bit in the tub. That usually helps."

With that, (y/n) pushed herself off the wall and went back to her room to retrieve her favorite things for a relaxing bath. A good book, (f/scented) candle, a hair tie to pull her hair into a bun or short pony tail, and her favorite bath soaps and scented bubble bath. She put everything in a small light brown woven basket and carried them to the bathroom.

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