Chapter 3: Meeting

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A wide grin appeared on Tony's face as he hurried to the elevator to meet (y/n) on the first floor. "I've got this."

(Y/n) stood in the middle of the large room on the main floor of Stark tower. She wore a simple white short dress with thin straps, with a large brown belt, and wedges. Her hair was (h/l) (h/c) and put into her favorite hairstyle. (Y/n) started walking to an open elevator when she was tapped on the shoulder by someone. She turned around and saw the, Tony Stark, smiling at her. "Well, you certainly made my day easier by coming here yourself. Come on up (y/n)." (Y/n) looked at him a bit shocked and confused that he knew her name already. She wasn't quite sure what to say, so she simply nodded and followed him.

Tony walked her to an elevator and stepped in once the doors opened. It was quiet until Tony spoke up, "So... I guess since we know each others names there is no need for an introduction huh?" (Y/n) looked over at Tony and simply said, "Um, I ah... I guess not.... How did you know my name anyway?" Tony was about to speak when they reached the main floor of the pent house. The two walked out of the elevator and into, what looked like, the livingroom.

Thor was the first of the Avengers to approach them as Tony said, "So you already know Point Break, and myself, which leaves the others, who should be here shortly." (Y/n) nodded and waved at Thor. Thor smiled at her, "It is good to see you again lady (y/n). I am glad you decided to come." (Y/n) looked up at him, smiled and answered, "It's nice to see you too Thor."

On the lowest level of the building, Clint was monitoring Loki from a screen, making sure he doesnt try anything again. He still held a grudge against him from three years ago. And it wasn't about to be lifted anytime soon.

Loki stared into a camera, looking directly at Clint. He could feel his presence. He knew he was there. Suddenly a speaker came on in the security room Clint was in. "Hey Cupid, the girl is here. Come up to meet her; everyone is here but you." Clint rolled his eyes then pressed the call back button next to the speaker. "I'll be up in a sec. And stop calling me Cupid!" Clint left the room through a separate elevator in that room so that Loki couldn't tell that he left. Regardless, he could still tell. He smirked, and started to look for any weak points in the structure.

Back in the pent house, the rest of the Avengers assembled, while Clint was on his way. Tony walked (y/n) around and introduced her to the others. "Alright so, gramps over here is Steve Rogers," Steve smiled and said hello. "This man, a brilliant scientist, like myself, is Bruce Banner. And this lovely lady is Natasha Romanoff." Both of them smiled and said hi. "Now we're just waiting for-" Tony was cut off as the elevator doors opened to reveal the last Avenger. "Ah, there he is! (Y/n) this is Clint Barton. Feel free to call him Cupid if you want." Clint filled his arms and glared at Tony. "Or dont, because thats not my name." (Y/n) let out a small chuckle and placed her hand over her mouth. Tony turned to the rest of the group and clapped his hands together once. "Ok then, shall we get started?"

Everyone, (y/n) included, took their seats around a table and waited for Tony to start. "Ok so. As we all know Magic Elk fought Thor yesterday in the city. During that fight, however, Loki had attempted to take (y/n's) life. Only instead of that happening, Loki was defeated. Knocked unconscious. And this little lady," Tony turned to point at her. "Made it out without a scratch. So now we're curious (y/n). How did you get out without any injury, and how did Loki black out in the middle of an intense fight?" The Avengers all turned their heads to look over at (y/n). She took a deep breath and began to explain what happened. When they asked her what she did, she held her palms up at them, "I can control gravity in the center of my hands. I either pull things to me or push them away. With enough force I can bring down a very heavy amount of pressure on someone or something as well." She stopped before going any further. The Avengers looked quizzical at her. Steve and Thor were impressed, were as Clint and Natasha looked almost a little worried, and Tony and Bruce were still curious to learn more about her. Then Bruce spoke up, "So you can do all that without moving from one spot then?" She nodded and rested her arms on the table in front of her. Steve asked her, "How long have you had this ability?" (Y/n) sighed and answered him, "I discovered this... power, when I was 18, in my senior year of high school." "So why didnt you contact someone about it, like SHIELD or that mutant school?" Clint asked, raising a brow. She looked down to the side at that floor. "Because I didnt want to deal with it. I dont want this... thing. I'd rather just live a quiet normal life." She sighed.

Everyone was quiet and looked at each other, when another voice entered the room. "How droll. You'd rather not acknowledge the power you possess than use it to gain more power."

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