Chapter 12: The Truth in Time

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"Welcome to Jotunhiem," Loki's smooth voice, just a couple feet behind her. If she weren't already startled than that would have done it. She jumped up and turned to face him, "What did you just say?" Her voice sounded both frightened and angered. "Could you not hear me over the sound of your terrified thoughts? Racing through your mind? You would not have this problem had you not gone and investigate."He says bitterly to her. He breathes out to calm down as he closed his eyes and turned his head to the side before opening them again, his raven black hair not moving but staying in place as he turned. "I knew the mortals of that flying fortress would find you some way. I also anticipated that you would try and run away, seeing as we were in your home world. Also you would panic more had you realized you were no longer on your precious Earth, and so I brought us here, to Jotunhiem, using my magic to make you believe we were in a city of Midgard's. Here, we will be safe from discovery, you cannot escape, and I get my plans sorted out."

She was about to speak up after him when she paused and looked at him curiously. "'Sorted out'... so in other words... youre doing all of this on a whim. You have no real plan do you?" His gaze was focused on her as he squinted his eyes just a little to glare at her. "That is none of your concern," he answered harshly. Loki looked back at the window and decided not to make the former illusion appear. She already knew the truth, why hide it again? "I hope you've taken everything you need from your home. We will be here for a very long time."

Time went by slowly, and the weeks dragged on. (Y/n) and Loki had been living together for nearly five months now in another realm and the Avengers were at their whits end. Tony, Thor, and Steve continued the search for (y/n), while the spies had to continue their own work and Banner had to keep up with his own in the lab. The three men sat in the conference room again, sitting around the large circular table as they tried to think of how to help (y/n).

"Thor, you said there was someone who could help us. Who are they?" Steve asked.

Thor looked up and answered, "His name Hiemdall. He is the gate keeper in Asgard. His power is great, he can see all and hear all."

"Can he tell us whats happened to Loki and (y/n)?" Steve questioned.

"Yes of course."

Tony was leaning back in his chair looking out the window before he turned to them, "Alright then. Lets go see this guy and track down Reindeer Games."

"It is not that simple, man of Iron. Humans have not been welcomed back in Asgard since the passing of the queen, my mother... Odin blames the mortals for our loss. Had Jane not been there, Frigga would not have died." Steve bowed his head and Tony grumbled, "Well that's just great. We have one chance of saving this girl and we cant even give it a shot. That's just fantastic."

"Well there has to be something we can do," Steve answered. "Thor, cant you go to Asgard and talk to this man yourself, come back and tell us where to go?"

Thor nods, "Yes, that might work. I'll set out for Asgard now and come back when I have new information." With that, Thors heads out to the balcony of Stark Tower and had Hiemdall open the bifrost, he was gone a moment later. Steve watched him and sighed, "I hope this works..."

In Jotunhiem, (y/n) was finishing up another chapter to her story, the final chapter, and smiled once she completed it. She saved the finished chapter on her laptop, closee it, then walked out of her room. Despite the occasional bickering, (y/n) and Loki where starting to somewhat bond a little. He didn't notice it like she did, but every now and then he would show a softer side to her. It made her smile, she almost enjoyed staying here, even though she's supposed to be a prisoner. She would make their meals, and a dessert for after dinner. She always made something new and exciting, mostly because she loved to see his reaction to it. In time, they shared a few laughs and she would catch him glancing at her. Neither of them knew it, but they were developing an understanding for one another, and from that a friendship. Even though neither of them would come out and say it.

It was almost six months now, and on earth, it would be December. (Y/n) was reading a book in the small library, remembering the holidays around this time of year. She put the book down as she thought about her last Christmas. How she missed the smell of those lovely Christmas candles, the sweets, the pine tree. She wanted to celebrate this holiday again, but she couldn't... unless she were to ask him... (y/n) walked out of the room, not making a sound as she walked down the hallway's wooden floor. At the end of the hallway, sitting in an arm chair in the living room was Loki. He was reading a book of some sort bht she couldnt understand the Asgarian writing on it. He was so focused on this book he never saw nor heard her walk in until she finally spoke up. Her voice was soft and gentle when she called for him, "Loki?"

He looked over from his book, "Hm?" He hummed in response. "Would you consider us celebrating Christmas here since I cant be at home?" She asked hopefully. "And why would I?" He replied as he looked back down at his book.

"Well why not? It's a fun holiday, and there's decorations and music and some festivities-"


She looked dumbfounded when be cut her off. She was ready to argue, and so she did.

"Oh come on! You've never celebrated it before so why would you care?"

"One, it is a ridiculous, frivolous Midgardian custom that I want nothing to do with. Two, I have no interest in your 'fun,' and other games. I have much to take care of that are much more important than some childish holiday." There was a bitterness in his tone that made her heart sink a little. She didnt feel like a prisoner until now, and it wasnt until then that she had enough. "What is it with you and your ridiculous plans?!" He raised a brow and looked to her rather annoyed, "My ridiculous plans?!"

"You heard me! All you care about is getting your revenge on someone who didnt even know they hurt you and thought of you as a brother all their life! And still believes that you're his brother! You're being absolutely ridiculous! It's insanity! Including the part where you use me to get your way! It's not going to happen! You're not the king and you wont be ever!" She yells furiously. Loki's eye's flashed a moment in shock, then turned to pure rage. In a flash he was in front of her, holding her up by her neck against the wall.

"You insipid insolent little rat!" He growls. "You dont know a damn thing about my past. You havent the slightest idea who you are challenging! I could crush you right now like straw of hay, you pathetic tramp!"

As he chided her she took the time to think out how to get out of his grip. Her windpipe felt like it was being crushed, and the skin around her neck began to hurt. As he continued to threaten and yell at her, she focused her powers on the gravity around his chest, then created a heavy force. One strong enough to make him gag and cough. He yells and lets her go while she keeps the pressure going.

"Dont. You ever. Put your hands on me. You sick, twisted son of a bitch." She hissed.

She didnt kill the force of the pressure on his chest until he was gasping for air. Once she let it go, she slammed him once more into the ground out of spite, then walked off to her room.

It took a while before the prince could get up from the ground, and when he did he was very aggravated. "Why in Hel did I ever keep her here?" He mused to himself. He was getting fed up with her always mouthing off to him, speaking out of term, (or at least to him she did) and using her powers against him. And he was the one who taught her how to do what she can do! "Damn her!"

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