Chapter 4: Kidnapped

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Everyone jumped up and turned around to see where the voice, they knew all too well, came from. Loki appeared on the other side of the room in front of the steel door elevator Clint took earlier. Loki vanished then reappeared behind (y/n), this time suppressing her power with a magic force field around her hands. The force field around her hands glowed green and kept her hands together like a pair of hand cuffs. "Unfortunately for you, I cant have you hindering my plans any longer," he stated before knocking her out. "You'll be of great use to me mortal. Be grateful I let you live."

Thor, with Mjulnir in hand, went to attack Loki, while the others readied their weapons. But by the time everyone was ready to attack, by the time Thor reached Loki, just a few inches away, he disappeared with (y/n). Thor crashed to the floor and everyone was left in the room shocked and angered. Tony immediately turned around to face Clint. "How the hell did he get out?! What just happened?!" Then Clint yelled back, "How should I know?! Everything was fine when I left!" The two Avengers continued arguing for another minute until Steve injected himself into the conversation. "Alright that's enough! It doesn't matter whose fault it is! What's important is that we find them and figure out how he escaped. Natasha I want you and Clint to work on how he got out. Head to his cell and figure out what went wrong. Tony, you Banner and Thor find a way to track them. I'll go with Clint and Nat and see what we can find. We clear?" Everyone nodded and took off to were they had to be.

About an hour later (y/n) woke up. She was lying on a couch. It was made of a soft fabric, so she knew it wasnt the one in either Stark tower or the one in her home. Then she remembered everything. Loki had kidnapped her. She slowly sat up and looked around. She saw no sign of Loki and realized she was in another apartment. The room had one large couch, and love seat, two recliners and a glass coffee table in the center. All of the furniture was made of the same soft white fabric. To her left, in the middle of the room, stood a large square brick pillar that touched the ceiling. She looked down and saw the floors were made of a smooth dark wood. The walls were a medium shade of red with a white trim and a few paintings hung from one wall and the other had a large modern looking black clock. The accent wall was a brick wall with black shelves on it, which held up a few books and decorative objects. She looked around and saw large floor to ceiling windows.

(Y/n) got up and walked over to them. She was in a new city. It looked like Cincinnati.

She continued to walk around the apartment. Soon she found a hallway. In one open room was a large kitchen and dinning room with a window above the sink and more windows surrounding the dinning room that was attached to the kitchen but separated by a floor to ceiling glass room divider. The wall colors and trim were the same as the livingroom. (Y/n) continued walking down the hallway. there were three white doors. Two on the left and one on the right. She assumed they were two bedrooms and bathroom, then continued walking. At the end of the long hallway were double French doors with a curtain covering the glass from the inside. Curiosity got the better of her, so she placed her hand on the door knob.

Just as she was about to turn it, a voice chimed in from behind her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "You're a curious one. Aren't you?" said the velvet voice. (Y/n) jumped and turned around. Loki smirked and looked down at her. He was no longer in his armor. Rather, the same suit he wore the day she first bumped into him. "Go on. We'll need a place to talk." She said nothing and looked back at the doors.

(Y/n) opened the door and stepped inside. The room was an elegant, small parlor. To the left was a marble stone fireplace, and a sitting area consisting of the same furniture as in the livingroom only this time there was a large, plush white carpet underneath the furniture. Straightforward were two more sets of french doors that led to a balcony. Next to the doors were tall windows just like the ones in the living room. There were book shelves to her right and she could see the corners of a few desks against the wall on the far right. "Elegant..." she said in almost a whisper. She soon noticed a crystal chandelier above her in the center of the room.

"Yes I know. Your Midgardian apartments weren't nearly suitable enough, so I had to make it the way I wanted it." Loki smirked as he looked around the room. (Y/n) ran a hand through her hair then noticed something strange. She looked at both of her hands and saw that they had green looking glow around them. "What the hell is-" Loki cut her off. "Oh you finally noticed? I needed to suppress your troublesome powers somehow. But the cuffs from earlier would make things challenging. Therefore I changed thd spell slightly." (Y/n) sighed and didnt say a word. She didnt even want to talk to him, let alone look at him.

Loki walked over to the sitting area and took a seat in one of the arm chairs. He ushered her to come sit as well. She looked at him and then walked over the the couch and sat down. He kept his gaze oh her. "Youre a unique individual. Certainly an unusual one. A very gifted mortal." (Y/n) looked to the side at the floor and gave a low sarcastic reply. "Mm. Thanks." Loki rested his chin in his hand. "You didnt let me finish. Do not interrupt me again." He laid his arm down on the armrest before he continued. "You were never meant to be involved in my plans of conquest. Though now that I know of the power you possess, I am confident that you will be of great use to me. Whether you come willingly or not." He said to her in a cold tone. "However, after hearing about how you ignored your talenets for so long, one can assume you dont know how to use them properly." (Y/n) snapped her head over at Loki and raised a brow. "What are you getting at?" He smirked at her, "What I am implying, is simple. I want you to be apart of my plans and use your powers for me. Only I can not have you using them recklessly, so I intend to train you so you can use them to your fullest abilities." (Y/n) slumped back in the couch and covered her eyes with one hand. "Ooooh joy."

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