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"ADAMN GIVE ME UR PHONE BITCH", "Grr ok boner", adamn hands joner his phone and jonah starts playing gay ass music "bro wth is this shut", "its brotanty spokes!!!","this gay as hell give me my phone lemme play real music", jonar hands adamn his phone hack and adamn starts playing bussin music, "godawn it feels like I'm high!!in a good way!!" Joner says while head banging, "yeah crime wave is a banger", "SLAYY" and alternate says popping up from the trunk "WTH AHHHH" they both scream and crash into a pole and fucking die, their bodies were found but crystal castles was still playing!!!a strange message was found written with their blood and it was "materiel gworl", it made the police scratch their heads, the end.

This is how boner and damn died canonically!!/j

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