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In the past year, the unity between Zombietown and Seabrook had opened many doors for everyone. New friendships, new jobs, new experiences for everyone. Things seemed to be perfect now, or at least almost perfect.

"Hi, Waverly!" A group of zombie girls greeted the dark haired girl as she walked through the gates to Zombietown. She gave them a smile and a wave as she walked to the meeting spot where she was supposed to meet her friend and his little sister.

Over the past school year, she had been turned from an outcast to one of the most popular girls in Seabrook. All because she had become friends with a zombie and a cheerleader. When she first started at Seabrook High, she had been shunned simply because she had a white streak in her hair that caused her to stand out.

That changed when she bumped into a pretty blonde named Addison one day while in the cafeteria. She then became friends with Bree, and the girls became a trio. Once zombies also began going to Seabrook, Addison quickly became interested in them and fought for them to be accepted. In the end, they were, and Waverly became close to Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo the way Addison had.

"Vanilla and Strawberry, please coach." Waverly beamed to the shorter man, who now ran a froyo cart.

"Always the same!" The man laughed as he made the girl's order causing her to smile.

She began to pull out her wallet when someone behind her chimed in. "I've got it."

Waverly turned to see her friend, Zed, and his little sister, Zoey approach. The little girl swiftly ran through the crowd of people and wrapped her arms around the older girl.

"Hi!" Waverly exclaimed towards the younger girl. "It's so good to see you!"

"Hey, hey!" Coach greeted his star player as the other worker gave Waverly her order.

"What's up, coach?" Zed asked the man.

"Oh, football offseason has been good to me, Zed. Invested in a froyo cart. Little side hustle gonna go global, gonna buy a car, gonna get some dress shirts, go on vacation, without my great aunt Edna." The coach babbled on causing the three of them to smile. "Though she loves swimwear weather. You know I may just bring her along."

Waverly took small bites from her froyo as the man babbled, relishing the strawberry and vanilla mixture.

"Cauliflower brains mocha crunch, please." Zoey politely ordered.

The coach enthusiastically made her order while Zed ordered vanilla. Waverly quickly gave him a look, which he replied, "What? I like vanilla."

She shook her head at her friend before looking down at Zoey, who had already began digging into her own. "I don't think mocha should go with cauliflower brains, Zo."

"I think it's great. You should try it!" She exclaimed, holding the spoon up to the older girl.

"Oh, Zo, I don't think Waverly will wa-" Zed went to stop his sister only for his friend to agree. He watched carefully as the girl took the bite and swallowed soon after. "Well?"

The siblings watched their friend's reaction closely. The girl thought a moment before smiling at the two. "I think it should be a little less cauliflower and a bit more crunch."

Zoey agreed while Zed looked at his friend in amazement. "I've never seen a human like a zombie flavor."

The girl shrugged at the comment and took a bite of her own. "You like a human flavor." She said nonchalantly. "Anyway, more important matters. Prawn?"

"Oh! I have to get my confetti! I'll meet you guys in a bit!" Zoey stated, running off.

The two laughed at the girl before walking side by side towards Seabrook Power.

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