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After Waverly had calmed down, she went to her classes like normal. She pushed through the day with a smile on her face until she had gotten to the library with Addison. As she unloaded her bag, she also unloaded everything that had happened that morning to the girl.

Waverly knew if anyone would listen to her, and be on her side, she knew it would be Addison. After all, Addison wanted to help teach the aliens how to cheer so they could compete in the national cheer off.

Addison was deep in thought about the situation when Willa and Bucky walked up to the girls' table.

"Addison, you can't help those invaders." Bucky ordered his cousin.

"Back off, Bucky. Your cousin's the cheer captain now. Not you." Willa instructed the school president.

Addison smiled up at the wolf in shock. "Thanks, Willa."

"But Bucky is right." Willa told her. Waverly looked up at the alpha in shock.

"I'm right?" Bucky asked surprised by the she-wolf's words. "Yes, of course I'm right."

"A little right." Willa fixed her words. "I don't trust the aliens, Addison. Last time outsiders swooped into Seabrook, our moonstone was stolen. And this time, we might lose our shot of getting into Mountain College. Waverly, that's why I was so upset earlier. By getting to you, they're digging their way into the pack. You're important to us, to me, to Wyatt."

"Which is why we need to protect what's ours.The Seabrook Cup, my legacy. Me, in general." Bucky ranted on while pointing at himself. The girls rolled their eyes at the egotistical boy. "Right, Willa? Or should I say, Wacey?"

As soon as Bucky placed his arm around the alpha's shoulders, Waverly knew what would happen. "You should not." Willa stated, before growling at him, showing her fangs. Bucky quickly ran away in fear.

Addison and Waverly laughed at the boy, who had darted away so fast. Once their laughter calmed down, Waverly grabbed her friend's hand and looked up at her. "I'm sorry, Willa. I should have considered how you felt about outsiders. Just remember to trust me. You guys are just as important to me."

Willa bent over and hugged her friend. As they pulled away, Addison looked up at the Alpha wolf with a smirk. "Don't worry about the aliens. I'm not afraid of a little competition."

"Whatever you say. But I'm still keeping an eye on them." Willa insisted.

"I'll keep an eye on them too, just a closer eye. I've already learned so much about them." Waverly stated, trying to ease the girl's mind. "Can you imagine having to suppress your emotions all the time? Although, it would come in handy at some points."

"Like when a certain werewolf is approaching and you get butterflies in your stomach?" Addison teased, looking over the girl's shoulder.

Waverly rolled her eyes as she began to turn around, "I do not have butterflies in my-" She paused as her eyes found Wyatt, who was walking over with a smile. She turned back to the two girl's in front of her. Both had smirks on their faces. "Nevermind."

"Hey girls." Wyatt greeted them. He glanced at the smirks and the red cheeks that Waverly held. "You okay, pup? Your cheeks look warm."

Her cheeks got redder as Willa softly snickered. "I'm fine." She answered, kicking the alpha's foot under the table. "Just learning about-"

"Butterflies!" Addison chimed in with a bright grin. Wyatt glanced between the girls in confusion as they had a silent conversation with their eyes.

"O-kay. Waverly, can I borrow you for a second?" Wyatt asked the girl, who immediately stood. She wanted to leave the table as soon as possible.

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