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Waverly stood with her jaw slack as she watched the aliens perform their routine. She felt inferior in her normal cheer uniform compared to their flashy uniforms. But what made it worse was their routine. They performed flawlessly. It didn't seem fair that the laws of gravity didn't apply to them as they flew through the air.

Despite how small she felt, she still slowly clapped when the aliens had finished their performance and made their way over to the Seabrook cheer team.

"Our telepathic groupthink makes cheer so easy." A-li bragged, flipping her short hair a bit.

"Yes. We are even better than you, and you've practiced your whole life." A-lan stated with a smile on his face.

Waverly snarled at the boy, turning into her werewolf self. She stepped closer to him with glowing eyes. "Watch it, alien boy! If you weren't using your spacey powers, I would crush you." She growled at him.

A-spen gasped from behind the boy, placing a hand over their heart. A-lan simply smirked at the girl and booped her nose playfully. "I'm all yours to be crushed."

Immediately, Waverly turned back to her human self and stepped back in confusion. Her eyes were wide as she stared up at the blue haired boy. "Huh? What just happened?" She asked her brother, who stood next to her.

"I think he just flirted with you." He answered, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"So fun. Thank you for inviting us." A-spen exclaimed, not grasping the situation. They led the aliens away with a smile on their face.

Everyone watched as they went with wide eyes, especially Waverly. "I just got hit on?"

Willis dropped his head at the girl's obliviousness and patted her shoulder to comfort her.

"Hey, it's us against them, and we are going to win. We're not gonna let them take what's ours." Addison motivated her group.

"Like the Seabrook Cup." Bucky reminded his cousin of what was at stake. He loved that trophy like it was his own child.

"Right, the Seabrook Cup."

"Go, Seabrook!" The squad cheered together.

"Yes. That's the spirit." Addison giggled.

"See? Your squad just needed
a common enemy to motivate you." Bucky stated as though he were pointing out the obvious causing Waverly to roll her eyes.

"No, Bucky." She stated.

"We are going to win because this squad loves each other, not because we hate anyone else. It's not who we are." Addison declared looking over each of her teammates.

"This Cheer Off is our last chance to cheer together, and to win it, we have to try a triple hip-hop double tuck Lindy." Bree insisted to the group.

"That move's impossible." Stacey argued.

"I can't do that move without face-planting." JC stated matter-of-factly.

"His face cannot take another nose job." Lacey bluntly admitted causing the boy to gasp at her.

"Together, we can do anything. Come on, guys. Let's go." Addison cheered her team onto the stage.

Together they rehearsed and rehearsed until they were okay with their routine. Eventually Addison allowed a double to step in for Waverly and Willis. They both had plans that evening and were supposed to meet the wolves in Zombietown.

Before the two left, they changed into their regular clothes, not wanting to be walking around that night in their cheer uniforms. Waverly had finished changing first, for once, and had to wait on her brother. Once he was down they took their small walk to their meeting spot.

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