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The next morning, Waverly dreaded having to go to school. She didn't want to leave the security of her home, her warm blankets, the small wolf stuff animal that her mother had given her as a child. That security came crashing down as her brother opened her door letting the outside world in.

It killed Willis to see his twin struggling after everything that happened last night. When she had gotten in, she ran into his open arms and cried to him about how badly she missed their mother.

Knowing that she was already in a hard place, he kept his mouth shut on the events that had taken place after she had left. He didn't tell her how upset Zed had been at the revelation that she was a wolf or the snarky comments the zombie had made. Worst of all, he didn't tell her that he had lost control for a second in her defense.

He had always been the even tempered one of the two. The perfect balance just for her. The only time he had ever wolfed out was when their mother had been alive and encouraged them to express themselves, but only at home.

With the truth finally out there, there was nothing stopping Willis from showing the group his true colors when it came to his sister. He wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt the girl more than she had already been. Which is why he had not left her side all morning from the time they ate breakfast to walking through the crowded halls now.

Waverly had thought that she wouldn't be able to handle the whispers that followed her and her brother, but at the moment those whispers blurred into music in her ears. The whispers showed that she was free from the chains of the shadows. She no longer had to hide who she was. All the shame she had felt last night disappeared as she looked around at the faces that watched her pass. The wide eyes and the stares following each step.

All day she had somehow missed seeing Wyatt. She knew that he and the rest of the pack would be at the school, but she hadn't seen him at all. She thought maybe they had went to the debate as she grabbed her bag from her locker.

Together her and Willis walked through the empty halls towards the lobby where the debate would be held when she heard sniffling. Waverly stopped in her tracks and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She turned down a hall to her right to see Addison sitting on a bench by herself.

Making a quick decision, Waverly walked over to her friend and took a seat next to her. "Addi, what happened?" She asked.

It wasn't normal for the perky blonde to cry. The girl looked up at her friend and quickly wiped her tears. "I'm sorry." She apologized earning a shake of the head from her.

"What happened, Addison?" Waverly stated, placing a comforting hand on the girl's arm.

Addison looked at her friend, clearly for the first time. This girl, the outcast that she had befriended long ago, was a werewolf. And despite the comments and the stares she had been enduring, Waverly was there to comfort her. She knew Waverly wouldn't judge. Neither would Willis, who squatted in front of the girls.

"I lost it. I lost the moonstone." Addison admitted, tears forming again. "I didn't mean to, I swear. I don't know if the moonstone is as important to you as the others, but I didn't mean to. I just wanted to belong."

Waverly swiftly wrapped an arm around her friend's shoulder as she cried. She rubbed the girl's hair soothingly and waited for her to calm down a bit.

"The wolves are mad at me now because I lost it. I just don't know what could've happened." Addison stated, looking frantically into her friend's eyes for an answer. "They're going to crash the demolition. They're going to try to get their moonstone first."

The twins shared a look with each other before Waverly turned back to the girl. "Addison, the only thing I cared about right now is you."

"But I've been so awful to you the past few days. Our argument about Zed, last night,"

Revelation -W.LWhere stories live. Discover now