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"I don't have a crush on Wynter, Waves." Willis insisted as he followed his sister down the hall to meet with their friends.

For the past twenty four hours, he had constantly been trying to prove to her that he didn't have a crush on the younger wolf out the trio.

"At this rate, it seems you're trying to convince yourself of this more than you are me." Waverly stated, turning to her brother with a sincere smile. "Will, it's okay if you do, or if you don't, Wynter is really sweet and honestly, I think you two would be cute together. But that's up to you, bro."

Willis stopped in his tracks, looking at the sincerity in his sister's eyes. "You really think so?" He asked, with a slight blush on his cheeks. As she nodded, he shook his head and frowned, "What about not telling anyone what we are? I thought you wanted to stay separate from them."

"I never said I wanted to stay separate from the wolves. I'm just not comfortable with exposing myself right now." Waverly sighed, placing a hand on her brother's in comfort. "But I'm not going to stop you from doing what you feel is best."

Willis smiled down at his twin. "Thanks, Waves."

The two continued to walk down the hallway to their lockers where their friends stood discussing the campaign. As Waverly opened her locker, she could hear her brother begin to complain about being late to Addison's first cheer practice. She playfully rolled her eyes at him and closed her locker once she had her bag.

"No way Zed is getting the wolf vote." Eliza stated, looking down at her tablet. She had calculated the votes in hopes of finding a solution for Zed.

"All right, what are our poll numbers." Zed asked, looking over the green haired girl's shoulder. "Ugh. That's awful."

"We just gotta make sure you deliver a killer speech tomorrow, okay?" Eliza stated.

"Yeah. You're a very persuasive person, Zed. I'm sure you'll be able to win the crowd over during the debate." Waverly encouraged her friend. She led the way down the hall towards the gym where the cheer squad were holding practice, that Willis and Bonzo were late to.

"So the first step is... More glossy publicity shots." Eliza trailed off as she saw the posters that showed Zed as a human rather than a zombie. Waverly frowned at the sight.

"Yeah, I look a little human, but that's only because people are lumping
werewolves and zombies together. I
gotta show them that I'm nothing like those furballs." Zed explained, pushing the gym doors open. Waverly rubbed her arm at his words.

"Whoa!" Willis exclaimed causing her to look up at what her brother was seeing.

There in the gym were humans, zombies, and werewolves cheering together. My eyes widened as Addison was held in the air by JC and Wyatt before she fell into, mostly Wyatt's arms. Willis and Bonzo rushed into the room to the others while Zed, Eliza, and Waverly watched from the doors.

The latter of the group watched with skeptic eyes as the wolf sat the blonde on her feet. The two gave each other warm smiles.

"Yeah. That scruffy, super handsome, fine-smelling Wyatt is really into Addison." Eliza stated bluntly. Her eyes found both of her friends, who seem to be holding back a similar emotion without even knowing.

Zed stared at the two with a jealous expression before trying to blow it off. "You know what? They're just cheering. And laughing." He swallowed hard as he kept his eyes on his girl and the male.

Waverly watched the two with a burning feeling in her chest and a pit forming in her stomach. She bit her lip and shook her head trying to shake the feeling. She told herself that there was no way she was jealous. She barely knew Wyatt. What would the point of jealousy be?

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