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The blissful moment was ruined as the ground began to shake. As everyone began to scream and run, Wyatt's grip on Waverly tightened. The two looked around to see what was happening, only to find chaos.

Wyatt grabbed the girl's and led her towards the wolves and her brother. "This way!" He instructed her, not letting his grip on her cease.

Waverly quickly followed the wolf, trusting him completely. Together the group ran out of the gym and down the hall. Just as they were about to exit the building, a crack opened up in front of them. Wyatt quickly stopped the girl from forward anymore.

Panic filled her veins as she looked around at her friends and then the crack in the earth.

"The energy from the moonstone must've created the fault line. If we follow this crack, it may lead us to the moonstone." Zed told the wolves.

"So it's only buried and not destroyed." Addison exclaimed with excitement.

The wolves looked at one another before Willis spoke up from his spot beside Wynter. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go!"

"We have to get to it." Wynter exclaimed.

"Quickly, while we still can." Willa instructed before jumping down into the crack. Waverly quickly jumped down behind the girl with Wyatt following her. Together the group of wolves ducked through the tunnel. "It's this way. I see the light. It's coming
from Seabrook Power. Here it is!"

Waverly gasped at the giant stone that glowed in the center of the chamber. It was beautiful. Immediately, Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter placed their necklaces to the stone gaining the energy. Their eyes glowed amber as their strength returned to them. Waverly smiled in relief as Wyatt turned to her, fully restored to health again.

"Your turn." He stated, gesturing towards the moonstone.

Waverly looked at him in confusion before glancing down at her necklace. "I'm not sure."

"We've never had a fully charged moonstone before." Willis explained to the wolves. "We don't know how it would affect us. Or at least, affect our human side."

"Only one way to find out." Willa stated, encouraging the two siblings.

The two looked at each other before coming to a silent agreement. They placed their necklaces on the moonstone together. Waverly gasped at the energy she felt rushing through her. It felt like a cool drink of water in the middle of the desert. Absolutely refreshing.

Once her stone was fully charged, she turned to look at Wyatt and the others. Wyatt froze as he stared down at the girl. Her eyes were amber as she looked up at him. Her fangs now showing. Her ears became slightly pointed the way the wolves' were.

As her eyes turned to their normal blue, all of her features returned to normal. The only context clue one would have to view the girl as a wolf was her hair.

"Beautiful." Wyatt whispered, grinning down at the girl.

The moment was cut short as the ground trembled again. Dust fell from the chamber ceiling causing one of the wolves to squeal.

"We have to move it out of here." Willa stated, looking around at her pack.

"Legend says that together, our pack can move the stone." Wyatt explained, recalling the prophecy he had memorized by heart.

"All of us, lift!" Willa instructed. Everyone began pulling, trying to lift the stone, but failed. "It's too heavy. There's not enough of us."

"Then maybe you need to expand your pack." Addison's called out as she and the others climbed through the opening.

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