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A year and a half had passed in Seabrook since the wolves had made their presence known. They had grown to live in harmony with the zombies and humans. Things seemed to be back to normal, well as normal as it can be with zombies and werewolves lurking.

Many things had changed for Seabrook in the past few years, but if you asked Waverly, she would tell you that it was for the better. She no longer felt like an outcast as she walked through the streets with her hair down for once. All of her friends, from humans to the zombies to the wolves, got along. And now her family was finally reunited and living in harmony.

Once the wolves were accepted into Seabrook, Waverly was placed on the cheer squad by Addison herself. Together they came up with new routines and the idea for a national cheer-off.

Things were looking up for others rather than just Waverly. Willis and Wynter finally started dating, so now he cheers his girlfriend on as she destroys the other football teams. Waverly couldn't be more happy for her brother and friend.

Bonzo and Bree were still happily in love. Their affection was shown on and off of the cheer field. They radiated a feeling that Waverly longed for, but that didn't mean she wasn't happy for her friends. In fact, Waverly and Addison were the couple's biggest supporters. The two constantly helped Bonzo create surprise dates and kept Bree distracted if needed.

Eliza had started interning at Z-Corp, the place that created the zombies' Z-Band. From a recent call she had with the zombie, Waverly found out that the girl had broken a glass ceiling using a prototype. They could have a better brain working there.

Willa still had her Alpha duties, but when she wasn't busy, she usually hung out with Waverly and the other girls. The she-wolf had learnt how to trust not only Waverly, but Addison as well.

As time passed, Waverly had grown extremely close to a certain wolf: Wyatt. The wolf had become her very best friend. She spent most of her time with him or talking to him. She could tell him anything, well, almost everything. Despite growing so close, Waverly still hadn't admit her feelings to him yet.

As for the two that had started all of this, the two were even closer. Addison had been accepted into Mountain College. Now, all they needed to be together forever, was for Zed to get into school there as well. If Zed were to get into college, it would open the doorway for monsters to get higher education, including Waverly.

And all of that relied on tonight's football game. So everyone was bringing their A-game.

"Let's cheer our team to victory!" Addison called out.

A whisper blew and everyone assumed their cheer positions. Waverly was front and center as the football players ran over to watch the squad cheer for them. Waverly cheered alongside Bree until it came time for her to do multiple backflips and land in the base's hands.

JC happened to be one of the bases and gave Waverly a reassuring nod as he helped throw her into the air. She swiftly did a flip in the air before falling back down into his arms. A smile broke across his face as he fist bumped her. They had been practicing that move over and over again relentlessly for some time now. Once the cheer was over, the two ran over where their friend group stood.

"Hi!" Addison smiled at everyone. "You guys, tonight is our last chance
to cheer at a Seabrook football game."

Waverly pouted a bit at her words. She had been on the team for a year and this would be her last game. It felt unreal. Bonzo felt the same as he spoke up in zombie tongue.

"I know. I wish we could be
cheerleaders forever too." Bree stated sadly, hugging her boyfriend close to her. "Maybe we should flunk science
so high school never ends."

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