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Later that night after the excitement had cooled down, Wyatt made his way to Waverly's home. The girl had left the station earlier with her father and brother. He didn't even have a chance to finish talking to her.

As he pulled himself up the trellis and to her windowsill, he noticed the lights were already turned off. He pulled her window opened and sighed in disappointment when he saw that the girl had already fallen asleep. He crawled through the window and closed it softly behind him so he wouldn't wake her.

It wasn't unusual for him to come to her room. It had become a normal thing after the two had become friends. He would come over to talk with her about their days or if they just needed the other's company.

With soft steps, he made his way over to her bed. He stared down at the girl, who was curled into her blankets. Despite always freezing in the morning, she made sure her room stayed cold. Her dark hair laid scattered over the pillow, her white streak spread out through the dark color. Her bottom lip sat in almost a pout causing Wyatt to softly chuckle at the girl.

Trying not to disturb her, the wolf pulled back her blanket softly and laid down next to her. Immediately sensing his presence, she cuddled into his chest and mumbled under breath. "I thought you'd never come."

A smile broke across Wyatt's face as he pulled the girl closer to him. He pushed a strand of her wild hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

After a few moments, she fell back into a deep sleep with Wyatt playing with her hair. The smile never left Wyatt's face as she softly snored next to him.

"I know you didn't hear me earlier, and you won't hear me now, but the girl I like? It's you, pup." He admitted to her sleeping figure. "It's always been you."

The next morning Waverly woke up refreshed. The fear and overwhelming feelings from the previous night had disappeared as she threw her blankets off of her. She shivered at the coldness of her room, but refused to touch the thermostat as she got ready for the day.

She couldn't shake the weird dream she had the night before. She had been laying in bed with Wyatt when he told her that she was the one he liked. She turned to see no changes in her room and realized it must have been just a dream.

"Waves, hurry up!" Her brother called for her from across the hall.

The girl rolled her eyes and quickly got ready for the day. Once ready, she walked out the door to meet her brother in the hall.

"About time!" He exclaimed, leading the way down the stairs. "Wyatt keep you up late last night?"

Waverly furrowed her eyebrows at her brother in confusion. "Wyatt? He wasn't here last night."

Willis shared her confusion. "I thought I heard him come in through your window last night. Then again, I was exhausted from all the excitement yesterday."

Waverly shrugged and let the conversation die as they walked to school. As they approached the school building, they split off. Willis headed to find his girlfriend while Waverly decided to take her time.

She watched as a beam of light brought down the three aliens, who she remembered were in the interrogation rooms last night. She sighed, balancing her options. Walk away and act like they don't exist or be welcoming to them. The last thing the girl wanted to do was make the aliens feel how she felt when the wolves first got here.

So she walked over to them just as their mothership sassed, "Okay! No need to bite your mothership's head off! Oh look, a new friend!"

The aliens glanced at each other in confusion when she spoke up, "Hi!" The three blue haired beings in front of her jumped and turned quickly to find the girl standing behind them. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Waverly smiled at the three of them.

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