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Waverly sighed as she pushed a strand of her dark hair from her face. The bright pink gown she wore seeming to contrast against her tan skin and blue eyes. It made her squint whenever she looked over to Wyatt and the others around her.

Today was the day that they would be saying goodbye to Seabrook High for good. She couldn't help but feel excited. She had waited for this day for a long time. Especially since she had found out that she had also been accepted into Mountain College with her friends. The monsters now had the chances of higher education thanks to Zed.

Waverly stood outside of Zed's home with the others. She grabbed Wyatt's hand with a small squeeze. "This is it. The start of forever."

The door opened to reveal Zed in the identical bright pink gown. He walked down the stairs and smiled at his friends, his eyes landing on the robot. "Well, well, well. If it isn't our robot zombie valedictorian. So much for overthrowing the system."

"I'm still gonna do that. From the inside." Eliza stated proudly with a smile on her face.

Bonzo spoke up in his native tongue. Bree spoke up in agreement with her boyfriend. "Yeah, I remember being
so scared of all of you when we first met."

"And we were afraid of them." Zed stated pointing to the wolves.

"That fear went away when we got to know each other." Wyatt said, looking down at Waverly with loving eyes.

"All because of Addison." Wynter chirped.

"She was the first person to really see me." Zed said, thinking about the girl.

"And me." Bree agreed.

"All of us."

"She was the first person to accept each of us for who we really are. She embraced our differences." Waverly stated, glancing around at all of the different individuals around her.

"She showed us how similar we all truly are." Willis agreed with his sister.

"Come on." Zed said, leading the way to the school.

This was it. The group had finally graduated. Waverly hugged her brother's neck before turning to kiss her boyfriend. Wyatt held the girl close as their friends came over with bright smiles.

"I'm so glad you guys were able to work things out." Willa sighed in relief. "It felt awful knowing that you two were at odds because of me."

Waverly shared a look with Wyatt before smiling at Willa. "It was awful, but it helped us overcome our fears. Now we fully trust each other."

"It happened the way it was supposed to, Willa. Things are better now because of it." Wyatt agreed with his girlfriend.

Bonzo and Bree came over with bright smiles on their faces. Bonzo said something his native tongue causing Bree to speak up. "It is gonna be awesome when we're all at college. Leaving Seabrook isn't the end. It's the beginning."

"I miss Addison so much. I wish she could be here." Eliza spoke through the screen on her robot, causing Warner to nod in agreement with the zombie.

"Me too. We were gonna change the world." Zed sighed, looking down at his diploma.

A whirring sound pierced Waverly's ears causing her to look up at the sky. The mothership came into orbit, hovering above Seabrook once again. Waverly smiled over to her friend. "Looks like you're still going to change the world together."

Seconds later Addison and the aliens beamed down in front of the group. "Addison!" Everyone yelled in unison.

Zed quickly stepped forward and kissed her girlfriend.

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