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After a few pep talks with Willa about school spirit, and not outing Waverly in front of Wyatt, the girls were ready for the cheer rally. Waverly shook her pom-poms with excitement as Willa climbed on top of the bud with a Seabrook sign.

"Let's tear these Eastside Eels apart.
Destroy them! Yeah!" Willa cheered causing everyone to cheer along.

Waverly's eyes glowed as she felt herself give in to all of the excitement. The Alpha uses her claws to scrape the top of the bus, giving in like Waverly was.

"Maybe just a bit too much school spirit." Wyatt muttered under his breath from his spot across the yard from Waverly. His eyes glanced between the girl and his sister.

"Get our Mighty Shrimp on this bus
so we can defend our turf." Willa continued to encourage the crowd. "No outsiders mess with our pack. Yeah! When you're from Seabrook,
you are Seabrook."

Finally giving in completely, Waverly howls at the sky causing other wolves to do so. After finally releasing the pent up energy, she finally calms down and returns to her normal self to cheer along the others.

Addison placed her hand on her friend's shoulder. Ever since she had gotten her to join the squad, Addison had been trying to encourage Waverly to be her full self, including her wolf side.

The cheerleaders began to cheer again as the football players ran out only for it to be just Bucky. Everyone sighed in disappointment as the school president came over to them.

"Thank you, thank you for coming to see me off for my big game." The girls could hear Bucky gloat from afar as he spoke to the Aceys. They rolled their eyes but clapped for him none the less.

"Is he ever going to get tired of talking about himself?" Waverly rhetorically asked her friend.

"Or looking at himself?" Addison added. The two girls laughed and then gasped as the fog machine came on. They began to cheer again as the actual football team ran out this time.

"Go, Seabrook! Whoo! Let's go." Zed cheered his team on as he stopped to watch them go ahead to the bus.

Wynter walked out slowly behind the boys sulking. Waverly looked at the girl in concern when Zed walked over.

"Hey, hey. You are going to kill it
out there tonight, okay?" Zed encouraged the younger wolf. "Those Eels think that they can keep you caged up. They think they can keep you on a leash. But you are no cuddly puppy. You are a fierce beast of the forest!"

Wynter howled. Waverly nodded in head in respect. Zed had come a longn way with the wolves. From not wanting them at Seabrook to knowing just how to rile them up for the big game.

"This shrimp be cray!" Wynter yells before running towards the bus.

"So cray! Go, Wynter." Zed encouraged. The girl listened to what he said, but ended up running into the bus leaving a dent.

She guiltily turned around with her big puppy eyes. "Too much?" She asked, innocently.

"Never too much. You do you." Zed cheered her on.

Willis stepped over next to his sister, hearts practically in his eyes. "And that is why I love her." He admitted, earning a shocked look from his sister.

"You love her?!" Waverly exclaimed, hugging her brother. "Bro! That's huge!"

Willis laughed before pulling his sister away. "I know, but I'm pretty sure you feel the same about a certain wolf too." He nodded over to something behind her. She turned to see Wyatt watching her from afar. She waved at him, pompom in hand. He gave her a lopsided smile in return. "You can't deny it when you're giving him puppy eyes, pup."

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