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That night Waverly had pulled the covers up to her chin as she snuggled with her pillow tight. Despite the rough start of the day, all her worries seemed to melt away during her conversation with Wyatt. He had spent the rest of his free time that afternoon helping her with her schoolwork and even managed to make her laugh a few times with wolf jokes.

She sighed in content as she closed her eyes and allowed the darkness to envelop her. That blissful moment shattered as her phone began to ring. She groaned as she grabbed it and answered, "Hello?"

"Waves! Thank God you answered!" Bree's dramatic voice echoed through the device causing her to wince.

"Hey Bree, what's up?" She strained as she placed a finger in her and wiggled to soothe her aching eardrum.

"Addi's missing!" Bree exclaimed through the phone causing the girl to sit up quickly.


"Yes! She sent me a text message saying help, so I went to her house, but she isn't there!" Bree explained, her tone of voice filled with concern for her best friend. "I don't know what to do!"

"She won't answer her phone?"

"No! I've tried everything!" Bree exclaimed.

"All right." Waverly stated, getting out of bed and throwing on a fresh set of clothes. "I'll meet you at the Zombietown gate. Don't worry, Bree, we'll find her."

With that, the phone was finished and a very concerned, yet sleepy Waverly put on her shoes before dragging her brother out of the house.

Getting to Zombietown tended to be a bit more difficult than normal with the curfew set back in place, but Bree, Waverly, and Willis all managed to make it to Zed's where he, Eliza, and Bonzo all stood outside conversing.

"Have you, have you guys seen Addison? She texted me for help, but she's not home, and she's not answering her phone. Oh. Hey, Bonzo." Bree waved her fingers to the zombie in a nervous type of flirtation.

Waverly rolled her eyes and snapped, "Bree!"

"You guys, focus! Addison needs help." Zed exclaimed, worry filling his discolored veins.

"Okay, if her phone is on, I can track her. She's in the Forbidden Forest." Eliza stated, tracking the girl's phone on her tablet.

"The wolves. They kidnapped her. You guys, we have to help Addison." Zed stated.

Waverly shook her head at her friend. "Zed, I don't think the wolves would flat out kidnap one of the most popular people in Seabrook."

"We have to go to her!" He argued, leading the group to the edge of town and through the woods.

The entire time Waverly tried to reason with Zed, who simply ignored her. The only thing on his mind at the moment was saving his girl from the bloodthirsty monsters.

As they stumbled to the edge of the den, the group peeled around the entrance to see the wolves crowded around a figure.

"Addison!" Zed called out running into the den, his hand on his Z-Band. The others followed and the twins looked on in worry for both sides.

"Zed!" Addison exclaimed, looking at her boyfriend in confusion.

"Don't make me take this off! You don't want to see me zombie out." Zed instructed, pulling off his Z-Band.

Waverly's eyes widened as she watched her friend zombie out and roar at the wolves. As a wolf began to grow closer to Zed, she pushed herself between them and yelled, "Zed, no!"

Revelation -W.LWhere stories live. Discover now