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Over the next couple of days, the wolves had made themselves scarce. They weren't at school or seen around town at all. Waverly knew they must be hurting. They had lost the moonstone; their last chance of survival.

The twins had debated going to the den a couple of times before finally breaking down and doing so. Each night they would go to the den and help the wolves in whatever way possible. Sometimes it was bringing them food or water, other times it was simply sitting with them in comfortable silence.

The night before, Waverly had decided the wolves could use a pick-me-up, so she brought candy with her on her visit. The wolf pups loved it, and even better, Wynter loved it. Waverly had sat next to Wyatt and Willa as she watched the younger of the trio become hyper and beg Willis for more candy, which he didn't have.

It was later that night when Willa had pulled Waverly aside and spoke to her properly.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you before. You've really looked out for my pack and I." Willa stated, pulling out a small box for the girl. She opened it to reveal two moonstone necklaces. "Unfortunately, these moonstone necklaces don't have a charge, and without the real moonstone, I'm afraid they'll never have a charge."

"Willa, why are you giving me these? They're important to your pack." Waverly softly stated, confusion splashing over her.

"They are." An older female voice spoke up from behind the girl. She turned to see an older woman, who smiled at her. Waverly's eyes widened as she recognized the woman from a picture her mother had carried with her. Her grandmother Willow. "As are you and your brother."

"You.." Waverly started, but couldn't find the words to say.

"I know, darling. I had that same shock when I first heard your name around the den." The woman laughed a bit before coughing harshly. Waverly quickly reached over to help her, helping her sit on a rock nearby. "You look just like your mother."

"Waverly," Willa attracted the girl's attention again. "I know we got off on a rough start, but seeing how you were willing to protect the wolves no matter what, you've earned my trust. And once I realized Willow was your grandmother, I knew you truly belonged to this pack."

Waverly's eyes filled with tears as she looked between her grandmother and her new friend. "Go on. Your mother would be proud." The older woman reassured the girl, who finally reached over and took one of the moonstone necklaces.

"Thank you, Willa." She said, pulling the girl into an embrace.

"I don't like hugs." The Alpha stated.

"Too bad because you're in one now."

Waverly never realized things would change so fast once she had revealed her true self.

The night had been spent mostly speaking with her grandmother and learning why she had never met her before. Her mother had fallen in love with her father, but her grandfather refused to allow his daughter to wed a human. So her mother ran away.

Of course, her mother stayed in contact with her grandmother. She wrote her letters telling her all about her mundane life and the two pups that she had given birth to. Up until the moment she passed.

Unfortunately, her grandmother didn't know that her mother had passed. Her mother had never told her that she had gotten sick from the moonstone. Waverly had to break the news to the woman, whose heart broke. Her only child was gone, but now she had two grandchildren to look after. And she had already asked Waverly if she could meet her father.

Things seemed to be looking up for the girl. She and her brother were free to live as their true selves, they had found long lost family, became part of the pack, gotten closer, and each found someone they couldn't admit their feelings to.

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