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After the fight with her friends, Waverly found herself walking down the hall towards Addison, who was hunched over with an object hovering over her hand. The wolf watched her blonde friend with curious, tear stricken eyes. "Addi?"

Addison quickly straightened her posture and turned to her friend with a smile. Once she saw the tears in Waverly's, she immediately walked over to her in concern. "Waves, what's wrong?"

"I got into a fight with Willa and the others over the aliens." She admitted, wiping her cheeks with her sleeve. "I left the pack."

"Oh, Waves!" Addison exclaimed, pulling her friend into a hug as she choked back a sob.

After a moment, Waverly calmed down and wiped her face again. "What we're you doing?"

"Oh, I- um." Addison stated awkwardly before sighing and pulling the mind probe out for Waverly to see. "I found out that my grandmother was an alien, which makes me an alien. I was trying to use the stardust spark."

"Addi, that's amazing! You finally know who you are!" Waverly exclaimed, her mood taking a positive turn. "Does that mean I was right? The aliens aren't bad?"

"Of course the aliens aren't bad! They're just here to find the coordinates to their utopia. They don't have a home." Addison explained to her friend.

"Do they know where the coordinates are?" The girl asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"We think it's in the Seabrook Cup which means either the aliens need to win it or we do!" Addison stated, excitedly.

Her excitement died as the announcement came over the loud system that the aliens were disqualified. Waverly looked at the stage in confusion. "I guess that means we have to win the cup for them."

"We have to. The people I care about are counting on me." Addison stated.

Together the girls ran with their squad onto the stage. This was the moment Waverly had been waiting for, and yet the pressure felt ten times worse as she began to cheer with her squad. Everyone followed the routine perfectly and when it came to Addison's big move, Waverly prayed that the girl would land it.

When she did, the she-wolf couldn't hold back her excitement in her smile. As the routine finished, it was announced that the mighty shrimp had won causing Waverly to hug her brother in celebration as Addison received the cheer cup. Despite his excitement, Willis noticed the missing necklace from his sister's neck.

"Waves, where's-?"

Before he could finish his question, the wolves ran onto the stage. "The aliens are liars. They've come to take what's ours! We should have never let Addison and Waverly welcome in those outsiders." Willa called out to everyone. Zed went to take a step forward while Waverly stayed near her blonde friend. "Step back, Zed."

The wolves growled at the zombie allowing their eyes to glow golden. Waverly quickly left her blonde friend's side and found herself in front of her zombie friend with her eyes glowing. She knew she couldn't wolf out like they could, but that wasn't going to stop her from fighting for what's right.

"So much passion." A-spen called out, placing a hand over their heart.

While Zed looked at the alien as though they were crazy, Waverly's eyes found Wyatt's, who for only a moment allowed his wolf form to falter.

"She wants to rip your heart out." Zed explained bluntly.

"She can have it." A-spen exclaimed.

As the wolves growled at their former pack member and the zombie, Bucky ran over and tried to snatch the Seabrook Cup from Addison. "Give me it, Addison! You won it. It's mine! No!"

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