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The next day consisted of prepping Zed for his interview with a lady from Mountain College. He had went through with the Exceptional Student application, but now he had to wow the interviewer. Waverly knelt down next to her friend and placed a comforting hand on his leg as he bounced it in nervousness.

Wyatt watched her with soft eyes. After the kiss last night, they didn't have much of a chance to talk. Willa had howled, signaling that he needed to return to the den. She wanted to discuss what needed to be done about the aliens. Willa knew that Waverly wouldn't approve, but she needed to find out why they were really here.

"Zed, I know you're freaking out, but you've got this." The girl softly encouraged her friend. A gentle smile graced her lips as she looked up at the zombie. He watched her with wide eyes as she spoke. "No one's more exceptional than the zombie who flipped Seabrook's world upside down."

"You're making history today, Zed. First zombie to even interview for college." Wynter encouraged him as well.

"Hey, you show 'em what monsters can do." Wyatt spoke to the zombie with a large grin.

"Right. I am going to slay her with my killer zombie charm." Zed stated before overthinking and panicking again. "Or not. Probably not. I don't know. We will see."

Waverly shook her head at her friend with a small laugh before standing and crossing her arms. Bree and Bonzo ran over quickly, the latter of the two blabbering in zombie to Zed.

"What? She's early." The other zombie asked, earning a nod from his friends. He began breathing hard causing Waverly's eyes to widen in concern. "I'm kinda freaking out. What if I bomb this interview?"

The group began to give him words of encouragement as he stood and began to walk away. Willa and Wynter pulled him back over and sat him down again. Waverly quickly crouched in front of him and made the zombie look at her.

"I'm trying to be the perfect zombie, Waves. Everyone's counting on me right now." He huffed out to the girl. "I don't know how to do this."

Waverly smiled up at the zombie. "You're exceptional, Zed, to all your family and friends. Now I want you to forget every doubt you have and get them out of your head." She told the boy, ruffling his green hair a bit. "You're doing your best. We all see that, but today you're going to do better. So I want you to repeat that all over again, okay?"

Zed nodded as he tried to control his breathing. "I'm exceptional Zed to all my family and friends. I just gotta forget the doubts and get them out of my head. Cause I'm exceptional Zed. I'm out here doing my best." He repeated the girl's words.

Waverly smiled up at him, earning one from him. "Let's go."

The entire walk to Zed's house, where the interview would be taking place, consisted of Zed repeating his friend's words and everyone encouraging him. The entirety of Seabrook had come to support the young zombie in this historic moment. Balloons, banners, and flags decorated the area as everyone cheered for the boy.

"What did you do to deserve all of this?" The interviewer asked Zed as he approached her with a smile.

He looked around at his friends. His eyes glanced down at Waverly before settling on Addison. He turned back to the woman with an honest smile. "I have no idea."

Eliza's robot wheeled itself over to show her on the screen with a reassuring smile for her friend. "Progress for you is progress for us all." She told the boy.

"Why don't you join us to start? I understand you've already been accepted." The interviewer asked Addison, who stayed hooked to Zed's arm. The blonde nodded before following the zombie family and the interviewer inside.

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