Chapter 5

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~Rosalina had hidden in one of the many guest bedrooms the castle had to offer. However, the noise and chaos seemed to die down, and the coast seemed to clear.

She peeked out the doorway and checked left and right. Clear and clear.

Suddenly, she heard a heavy set of feet, getting louder. Sounds like running, she thought.

She decided to lean out the doorway to see who it was.


Someone had collided straight into her, both of them tumbling to the carpeted floor of the hallway, with a loud grunt.

Rosalina was dreading the worst as to who it could be, but her expression of annoyance appeared after seeing the lanky, familiar man.

"Waluigi, what are you doing?" she said, half annoyed, half concerned. She brushed the dust and carpet-debris from her dress, standing up.

"I was looking for someone," he huffed, out of breath. "Anyone."

"Okay, what happened," she demanded.

"I ran into Peach after I escaped the kitchen," he explained. "We were in a storage room with a hidden door with light. We were gonna enter together, but it shut right before I got in."

"Did you try to open it?" Rosalina asked.

"Of course I did," he rolled his eyes. "It wouldn't budge, and I didn't get an answer from Peach. Must've been sound-proof."

"Let's go back, I should be able to handle the door," Rosalina offered.

"Alright," he sighed reluctantly, beginning the walk back.

. . .

Meanwhile, Wario had managed to escape Bowser's view, waddling though Kamek's library. Towering shelves lined his view, full of books in all sizes. Right next to the doorway, a large grandfather clock stood, ticking.

Some rustling noises caused him to halt his movement, looking over his shoulder. Suddenly, he was startled as someone jumped into sight, seemingly from inside the bookshelf.

"Holy shit!" Wario jumped, holding his chest.

"Keep your voice down," Toad grumbled. "Unless you want to be the next corpse Mario and Co end up finding."

"Where the hell have you been?" Wario blurted out.

"We got separated from Yoshi and Waluigi after a close call with Bowser," he explained. "After that, we decided to just look for a way to escape this murder house altogether."

"Wait, wait, who's we?" Wario's face scrunched up, confused.

"Me and Toadette, she's around here somewhere," Toad answered. "We've been hiding in here since we heard the heat wave."

"Yeah, that bastard set flames through the whole kitchen. We were lucky to get out alive," Wario said.

Suddenly, Yoshi appeared in the doorway.

"There you guys are," he huffed. "Is that TOAD?"

"Yeah, yeah, we found him," Wario said quickly. "Now that you're here, we need a plan to get the hell out of here."

"Yeah, about that," Yoshi grumbled. "We can't leave."

"What?" Toad spat.

"There's a problem at the castle entrance; it's padlocked," Yoshi continued with his arms crossed. "Until we figure out the code, there's no way out."

"Well, shit," Wario scratched his head.

Some rumbling from an air vent above interrupted their conversation.

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