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"ladies and gentlemen and everything in between, we will be landing in 10 minutes so if you could please get into your seats and put your seat belts on as we begin our descent." the pilot calls over the intercom, a ding rings over my head as the seatbelt sigh flashes on. checking the time i see it's 7:40 in the morning, i can feel the jet lag creeping up on me as i yawn.

the person next to me turns the page in their book, their gaze never leaving the pages. stuck in a world of dreams instead of reality. "thank you for flying with us today, i hope you enjoyed the flight and have a good day." the pilot calls over the intercom once the plane lands.

standing up my legs feel like jelly, this is reality now. no more hiding or pretending this is a fever dream. i've just got to step off this plane and embrace my new life. shakily, i grab my carry on and slowly walk down the hallway towards the airport, getting further and further away from the plane.

i open my phone scrolling through my messages until i find jack's number, my thumb hovers over his contact for a few moments before i click it. he answers after a few rings. "hey y/n! i'm guessing you landed since you're calling me. i'm making my way towards luggage collection, you there yet?" jack asks.

"yeah, i'm just looking for my luggage now." i say nodding my head, despite knowing he can't see it. i spot my luggage on the carousel and go to grab it, a hand stops me from grabbing it instead grabing it themselves. i look up and see jack, he smiles at me. before i realise what i'm doing i slam into him, hugging him tightly. the force almost knocks him over.

jack laughs happily in my ear, the sound making my heart flutter. we pull away after what feels like an eternity and i smile at him. he grabs my suitcase while i hold my carry on and we begin to make our way out. i feel dread filling my body once i see the exit to the airport, i stop for a moment staring back. jack notices and grabs my hand.

"this is for the best n/n, you know deep down this is what you need to do to be happy." he says softly still holding my hand in his. i nod my head and continue walking towards the exit, the dread inside me beginning to disappear. maybe it's the adrenaline or maybe it's the fact that jack is here beside me, either way i feel as though it'll be okay.

"hey kid!" scott calls from the window of jack's car, he's in the front seat wearing a denim jacket with a tye dye shirt. i smile at him as i help jack put my stuff in the back of his car. "wil wants to know if you brought your guitar." scott says to me once i get into the back of the car. i laugh once i hear this. "i did don't worry." i say trying to hide the amusement in my voice

looking around jack's car i notice it's got a black interior and some minecraft decorations. from the inside you'd expect it to be scott's car. the outside however is a different story, it's painted in a black and yellow pattern which jack claims is for a video he's working on. the car ride from the airport to brighton is pretty peaceful, occasionally an argument between scott and jack can be heard.

i yawn again, the jet lag really setting in. my eyes begin to droop as i lean against the car window. i can faintly hear jack and scott talking about a stream they plan to do later with me, announcing me moving in with them and revealing my face. before i know it the world goes quiet and i fall into a world of dreams instead of reality.

"y/n, wake up we're here." scott says gently shaking me, i open my eyes, blinking a few times as i adjust to the light. i see jack taking my stuff into the house. i look at scott and get out the car, shutting the door behind me. i follow scott into the house, the house has a nice aesthetic definitely not chosen by jack. i see an odd clock on the wall and try to hold in my laughter.

"yes, jack thought it would be funny to mess with my aesthetic." scott grumbles. i laugh slightly as jack comes back into the room. together, jack and scott show me around the house. eventually taking me to my room where my stuff is already. "we'll stream in a few hours yeah? you can get set up before then." jack says casually.

with that jack and scott leave me in my room to unpack. it is currently 8:40 in the morning so i have plenty of time until we stream, i grab my suitcase and open it. at 12:30 scott calls out for me, saying he got some lunch. i practically run to the kitchen taking the mcdonald's bag from scott. "thanks!" i say happily as scott laughs at me.

jack's gone out to get food for dinner, i can only hope he gets actual food. me and scott talk to each other while we eat lunch together. after eating lunch i go back to my room and finish setting everything up.

at 2:30 in the afternoon i hear the front door opening, jack's home. i walk from my room towards the kitchen to see what jack's bought for dinner, upon entering the kitchen i see jack putting some fruit in the bright yellow fruit bowl. "let me guess, you bought that to mess with scott's aesthetic." i state as jack turns to me in surprise.

"i did!" jack replies, a cheeky smile on his face. i shake my head in amusement as i help jack put away the food. "i must say i'm impressed. i thought you'd only buy crisps and pepsi." i mention, i turn to look at jack. he stares at me, an offended look on his face. "how dare you! scott's not the only person who can buy food i'll have you know!" jack exclaims in mock anger.

"guys come on it's 3:05 now, we said we'd stream in 5 minutes!" scott calls from the living room. i put the last of the food in the fridge, then i walk to the living room. scott already has everything set up for our stream. "you sure you want to do this n/n? you don't have to." scott motions at the set up.

"i want to do this scott. it'll be okay." with that i start the stream on my account choosing to name the stream face reveal with friends. after a few minutes my viewer count is at 36,792, figuring that it's enough viewers i begin the stream. "hello everyone! as you can tell from the streams title i will be doing a face reveal. so, here we go!" with that i turn on the camera.

my face pops onto the screen with jack and scott right behind me. "meet some of my friends chat!" i laugh as i read some of the comments flying past in the chat. "how do i know them? well they were friends with my brother. now you all know who my brother is, his name is dream. or should i say clay?" before i know it chat explodes with questions.

i continue to answer some questions about who i am and my friendship with everyone in the smp when one question catches my eye. "thank you for the donation wendy soot!" i exclaim as the robotic voice calls through the speaker. "why did you leave the usa y/n?"

"well it's not the nicest of answers." i sigh softly. "i didn't leave because of some lover or school, i left because my brother, clay. well, he- he wasn't the best brother to me if i'm honest. he treats me like shit, like i don't deserve to be alive. he's never liked me and the truth is, i'm sick of being treated like i shouldn't exist in this world." a few tears drop down my face.

"so i left to be with the people that care about me. that's why i'm here, in brighton. i hope one day me and clay can become friends, but honestly i doubt it. distra? no she's always been nice to me. i raised her when our parents didn't. they didn't care for me or distra as we were both girls, growing up was hard i guess." i wipe my eyes and try to stop the tears.

after a few more questions about my life in the usa me, jack and scott start messing around on the stream. eventually the stream turns into me and jack both trying and failing at cooking a chicken. scott stands to the side watching us, occasionally laughing at us. i groan in annoyance, slapping jack's arm. "you're burning the gravy you fucking idiot!" i yell in anger.

scott loses it and falls to the floor laughing so much he starts crying. "well done n/n! you've fucking killed scott!" jack groans as he goes to help scott up. i glare at him, choosing to whack him with the whisk in my hand. i hear a faint yell from jack but i ignore it. "that's all for now chat! we're gonna go, hopefully scott can save dinner. bye!" with that i end the stream.

the forgotten sister (jack manifold)Where stories live. Discover now