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"you are a fucking disgusting piece of shit y/n! i hope you die the most painful death, you deserve it!" clay screams down my phone in the middle of gatwick airport. a few people watch curiously at us, my phone is in my hand. at the lowest possible volume but clay's voice can still be heard loud and clear through my phone's speaker.

"no one's gonna love you y/n." clay exlaims, he then yells a few more times before hanging up on me, a few tears well up in my eyes as wil pulls me into his chest. "ignore that fucker n/n, clay isn't your brother anymore. me, tommy, phil, kristen, jack and the rest of the smp are your family. we aren't clay's, we're yours." wil says hugging me tightly. before i know it phil, kristen, jack and even tommy join the hug.

"thanks guys." i say softly once we all pull away. "now, let's get started with this vlog yeah? i gotta go something for 15 million!" i say trying to cheer everyone up. wil shakes his head and ruffles my hair. jack rolls his eyes jokingly, with that kristen picks up the camera and starts recording.

"hello everyone! this feels weird- i'm- i'm talking to the camera and you guys can see my face." i laugh lightly. "anyway, thank you guys so much for 15 million subscribers! as a thank you i have new merch on my website! it's limited edition and currently on sale so buy it while you can! now for today i thought i'd do something different-" i don't get a chance to finish my sentence as tommy jumps on my back.

"ah! fucking hell tommy!" i yell out, earning our group a few dirty looks. jack comes in and tries to pry tommy off my back. phil and wil soon come in trying to stop the ongoing chaos, poor kristen stands there filming the entire ordeal. "we're finally on the plane! thankfully no one's hurt." tommy yells out once he hears me. "okay so maybe tommy's ego is bruised-" before i finish my sentence tommy throws a pillow at me.

"we made it to paris is one piece- wil! wil! wil, smile at the camera!" i pan the camera to wil's face, he then proceeds to try and eat it. "ah no wil!" i shriek out, "don't try and eat the camera! bad wil!" i yell in mock anger, slapping him on the arm. jack bursts into laughter, he's standing in front of us filming with another camera. "bad wil- you make him sound like a bitch!" jack howls with laughter.

"anyway, as i was saying at the airport i'm doing something different for this special video. me and some of my friends are here in paris for a vlog! unfortunately nick, purpled, quackity and my other friends aren't here. however ranboo did sent me a short video, here's a clip of it!" i say holding my phone up to the camera.

"hey n/n! congratulations on 15 million! wish i was there, tubbo says hi- we're on facetime!" a loud hello can be heard from tubbo before ranboo continues. "anyway i hope to see you soon! tell tommy i hope he doesn't kill his girlfriend, he did make her wear a plastic bag in that video yesterday. anyway bye!" tommy yells out once more having hear ranboo's video.

i laugh loudly, yesterday tommy posted a video revealing his girlfriend to the internet. what the internet doesn't know is me, wil and jack met her this morning before we got to the airport. we're the first of tommy's friends to actually meet her, makes sense. me and wil are his older siblings and jack's his sort of rival in his videos.

"lets go to le louvre!" i say checking my watch, it's currently 12:10 in the afternoon as we took the 6:45 flight this morning to get here at a decent time. kristen nods enthusiastically and we head towards the famous museum. while waiting in line to get into the museum wil, tommy and jack start throwing a plastic water bottle around, playing piggy in the middle.

eventually we get into the museum and spend about an hour or two in there looking at the art. wil and tommy were very bored throughout, eventually playing random games on their phones. kristen and phil enjoyed the museum, jack just went round with me making some funny comments about the art.

eventually we leave and head off to the eiffel tower where, against my better judgement i thought the children would be okay. "how the fuck did you get your head stuck in the fence of the eiffel tower tommy!" i hiss out, he does his best to shrug while wil stands there laughing his ass off. kristen once again is filming tommy being an idiot.

i don't know where jack went but phil went off to find someone who worked there to help tommy out. at some point tommy managed to wiggle his head out of the fence and we all made a run for it. "shit- we've lost phil and kristen." jack suddenly exclaims, panic in his voice. wil and tommy stop messing around and quickly, panic falls upon our group. "we've lost mum and dad! i repeat we've lost mum and dad!" i yell into the camera as wil gets his phone out.

"my phone's dead. tommy, jack?" wil calls over to us, tommy shakes his head showing he'd used all his data up playing some random games earlier in le louvre, besides his phone was at 5 percent. "i don't have data here! my provider doesn't seem to like france cause i can't get data!" jack exclaims, throwing his hands into the air.

i open my phone while jack's freaking out, only to discover i have no data either. "okay let's find a restaurant or something and borrow their wifi." we ended up finding a hotel that would let us borrow their wifi. using my phone i call kristen while jack calls phil, a few minutes later they met us in the hotel lobby.

it's 3:30 and we've in a sense wasted the day. after reuniting with phil and kristen we went to the arc de triomphe and did some shopping because tommy demanded he got a french vlog gun. "got it!" tommy screams out, earning us several looks. groaning slightly i zoom in on tommy's figure running towards us, he's holding the gun up in triumph. i hear jack laugh at me softly.

for the rest of the day we run around paris, looking at all the sights and buying random stuff. "i want to go in there and make my own perfume!" i announce, dragging jack with me. i faintly hear phil saying him and the others were heading to the beach before dinner. jack yells something back but i'm too busy focusing on the shop to take much notice.

we enter the shop and a beautiful french woman greets us, giving us the instructions then leaving as a couple walks in. "what scents shall i go with? she said i could have 2 or 3 depending." i say motioning at the different scents. "i want vanilla but, what else?" i grab the vanilla.

"i'd say use strawberry or lavender with it so it matches your shampoo." jack says casually causing me to look at him in surprise. "you know what my shampoo smells like?" i ask in surprise. "uh- yeah." he says rubbing his neck, a light blush coats his cheeks. in the end i ended up picking the vanilla and lavender.

"hey guys! shall we go to dinner now, or early dinner really. the flights at 6:30 and it's- fucking hell time flies it's already 5!" i say in shock, the others look at me in slight alarm once they hear the time. after eating dinner at some fancy restaurant where tommy almost threw up having ate a snail we rush to the airport.

"thank you so much for watching guys! i hope you enjoyed, see you next time!" and with that i turn the camera off, i sigh as i lean into the chair. my eyes fluttering shut as sleep over takes me. it's been a long day dealing with this lot, at least it was fun and i got some content out of it.

the forgotten sister (jack manifold)Where stories live. Discover now