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i pull out my phone, opening up twitter. i start typing on my dimly lit screen. i smile, a slight pang hits my heart as nostalgia floods my body. i'm going to miss this, miss the people i have grown to love, the world i got used to. i'm going to miss annoying my friends, but most importantly i'm going to miss jack.

finally, i stop typing. my fingers stop gliding across the screen, i stare out the airport and pause. my fingers tremble slightly and i try to hold back a sigh, my eyes gloss over and my breathing seems out of rhythm. i hiccup quietly as my leg bounces up and down lightly. this is it, from the usa to brighton and back to the usa.

an announcement comes out through the airports speaker calling all people for the flight from gatwick to florida to start heading to their gate. i grab my stuff and start walking down towards my gate. "y/n!" a voice yells behind me, i whirl around to see jack standing there. he's out of breath and soaked from the rain outside. my throat closes in on itself, "jack?" i whisper quietly.

the airport suddenly seems very quiet as passersby stop and watch our interaction. "please don't go on that flight y/n." jack says as he slowly takes a few steps closer, i open my mouth but jack cuts me off. "y/n, i have loved you since the day you got here. i can't lose you now i've finally realised that, going back to the usa won't make you happy. it won't make me happy either." he exclaims, getting quieter and quieter as he continues.

"i don't want to lose you n/n. not now, not ever. so please, don't get on that flight i beg you! it was stupid to kiss melissa yesterday, i just- i felt so upset, when she kissed me i didn't push her back. i- i just needed something to make me stop feeling numb, i've felt numb since my fight with kit." jack whispers, a few tears drop down his face and for a moment i feel guilty.

guilty for what i have done to him, guilty at myself for believing that getting on a plane back to the usa would solve anything because deep down i know it won't. deep down i know it never would of made me happy, i would of been worse off and i know that deep down.

i fling myself into jack, ignoring the people watching us, ignoring the camera's pointed at us. i ignore it all as i cling onto jack like a life line. the whole world fades, it's just me and jack standing together. clinging onto one another so tightly you'd think we were about to die, the truth is we were. a little part of us deep inside would have died if i had gotten on that plane.

we're both teenagers, afraid of the world outside. when we pull away jack stares at me, then my lips. suddenly his lips crash into mine and it feels as though fireworks are going off inside me, my lips mold into his. like magnets we fit together, a positive and a negative. we pull away to breathe before jack quickly kisses me again.

a final announcement  for my flight is called but i ignore it, instead i pull jack closer to me. after a few moments we pull away again. "please don't leave me y/n." jack whispers, so quietly i barely hear him. "i'm not leaving you jack." i whisper back as i begin to grab my stuff and walk out the airport with him.

we arrive at his car and sit in a comfortable silence as we begin to journey back to brighton. when we arrive back i see wil on the driveway of jack and scott's house. "hey n/n, jack said you were coming back so i thought i'd take anything you left at mine and bring it here. i got your stuff from kit as well." wil announces pointing to a box nearby.

i smile at him as jack guides me into the house, his hand on the small of my back. "hey kid! glad to see you here again." scott says coming to hug me, i hug him for a few moments before pulling away. "you interested in going to tommy and tubbo's wedding tomorrow?" scott suddenly asks me.

i look at him in surprise. "uh sure? i'm gonna presume it's a prank on tubbo." i say, scott nods laughing slightly. "tommy's paying me to turn up." he says still laughing, i shake my head in amusement when my phone starts ringing.  "hey blossom, heard you're staying in the uk. stay safe okay? and if jack does anything tell me and i'll come over to kill him." nick calls out loudly.

jack pales slightly at nick's threat. "he heard you don't worry panda. and i'll keep you updated okay? go to bed you sound exhaused." i say as nick yawns, he hums in reply before ending the call with a soft goodbye. "n/n, jack's told me some good news." wil says suddenly standing beside me. i cock an eyebrown in confusion. "oh?" i ask.

"he said you two are together, is that true?" wil asks motioning between us, i look at jack then at scott before i finally turn back to wil. "yeah we're together now." i say softly, wil smiles brightly before turning to scott. "scott you owe me ten pounds!" wil yells in victory, i stare at him my eyes wide. "you bet on us?" i shriek out. scott and wil both laugh at me before running out the house, leaving me and jack alone in the living room.

"well today's been eventful and it's only just gone lunch time." jack jokes trying to break the tension. i laugh as i walk over to him and placing a soft kiss on his lips. "i love you, you idiot." i whisper. "i love you too y/n." jack whispers back before softly kissing me again. i'm so glad i met this bald idiot.

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