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"hello chat, welcome to the stream! today i am here with mr tommyinnit and mr purpled!" i yell into my microphone as tommy and purpled finish their introductions. "now y/n, you and wilbur's new song is coming out in 3 days! can i ask what it's about?" purpled asks me once we get into our game of bedwards. "shit tommy! you're fucking awful at this!" i scream out. "to answer your question purpled the song is about-" my mind seems to wonder back as i answer.

"kit look!" i say in excitement pointing at a cute cafe selling bubble tea near by. "can we get some?" i ask him like a child, an excited grin etched on my face. kit laughs my antics when i spot two familiar people in the distance, further up from us. "is that jack?" i ask kit in confusion pointing, he quints his eyes and looks at where i'm pointing.

"yeah it is, i'll get you the pink lemonade with bursting toppings yeah?" He asks me, i nod my head, not really paying attention to him. he smiles before going in to order our bubble tea's inside the cafe. i watch jack laughing with melissa, well he's laughing melissa's looking down at her phone in annoyance.

jack goes in to kiss melissa, she visibly grimances but lets him kiss her with hesitance. she's only using him for his money and fame. i roll my eyes at that. jack's so in love with her, it makes me jealous. that should be me not her! "here's you're pink lemonade with bursting toppings." kit says handing me my drink.

i smile at him and place a kiss on his cheek trying to ignore the jealousy i'm feeling. "thanks kit!"  i announce, trying to sound happy for his sake. with that we walk off down further into town, i do my best to ignore jack and melissa for the rest of the day. 

"this song- well it's about being jealous that someone else's life is better than yours. this song really focuses on the insecurity of your life not looking as amazing as other peoples." i say to purpled after snapping out of my thoughts. "it sounds really good! i bet a lot of people will relate to that." tommy says absent mindly, joining the conversation.

"fuck!" he suddenly screams as my character throws him off the map. the word victory appears across my screen as i smirk in triumph. tommy huffs angrily while purpled laughs. before i know it tommy suddenly perks up.

"can we hear a little part of it?" tommy asks me sounding quite excited. i smile and nod my head. "alright i'll sing a small segment of the song for you guys. i'm sure wil won't mind, it is my song after all." i say as i grab my guitar, i start strumming it gently.

"all your friends are so cool, you go out every night. in your daddy's nice car, yeah, you're living the life. got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend too. i wanna be you so bad, and i don't even know you. all i see is what i should be. happier, prettier, jealousy, jealousy. all i see is what i should be. i'm losing it, all i get's, jealousy, jealousy!" i take a deep breathe as i fight back tears.

chat starts going insane after i finish singing the small segment, tommy and purpled stare at me in shock. a few hours later i finish the stream and head downstairs for some water, before i make it to the kitchen however melissa corners me.

"stay the fuck away from my boyfriend, i know that song was for him you bitch! he's mine! if you don't back down i'll tell him you threatened me! who's he gonna believe more huh? the jealous friend with anger issues and the fucked up family or the sweet kind girlfriend?" melissa hisses at me with venom as she smiles at me innocently. i glare at her in anger.

"you won't get away with this." i hiss out at her as she smirks at me, her eyes ablaze with anger. "oh but honey don't you see? i've already gotten away with it. i've won." with that she turns on her heel and leaves, grabbing jack's arm and marches out the house. the house rattles as she slams the door shut, anger over takes me as i glare daggers at the spot she once stood in.

a few hours later jack returns, he comes into the kitchen with his mug and walks over to me. "why did you threaten melissa?" he suddenly asks as i look up from my phone. i stare at him in shock for a few moments, my mouth agape. "what the fuck?" is all i answer with. Jack only stares at me for a few seconds visibly angry.

"melissa's told me how you've been threatening her y/n! what the fuck? i told you she's the one! she said you were jealous, now i don't wanna believe you'd sabotage my relationship but i don't know what to think." jack says getting louder and louder as he continues to talk.

"you're girlfriend won't even let me fucking stream with you jack! all she does is fucking control you! we literally live in the same house, she's the one who threatened me! how could you think i would threaten her!" i scream at him angry tears threatening to spill down my face. jack only glares at me slamming his mug down onto the counter almost shattering it. "melissa's too kind to do that-" jack yells before i cut him off.

"kind? she treats you like shit! she clearly doesn't love you jack, she only wants the money and the fame! she threatens me and scott constantly! she's a fucking demon who wants you to hate me! but of course you don't see that do you? you're too busy thinking with your dick!" i yell out as jack glares at me pointing his index finger at me shaking slightly from anger.

"why can't you let me be happy? all i've ever done for you is be there for you! why are you fucking like this? why are you such a fucking bitch!" jack screams not seeming to realise i'm about the cry.

"because i fucking love you! i always have and i always will manifold!" i scream as the tears fall, jack stares at me in shock, i begin to walk backwards away from the kitchen as he tries to grab my wrist. but it's too late, i'm gone.

i take off out the house, the cold air hits my exposed skin as i didn't grab my coat. i open my phone, it starts ringing as i call the only person who i know can help me. that person is wil. completely ignoring Jack's yells for me i run far, far away. away from him.

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