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"you love him n/n. It's painfully obvious." tommy states as scott nods his head in agreement. tommy randomly appeared on the doorstep once jack left earlier today barging into the house, dragging me and scott into my room. "i know that now tommy!" i say in annoyance turning to look at him before looking away again.

"but it's too late now. he's with his girlfriend melissa." i say, hissing it out slightly as her name leaves a sour taste in my mouth. scott groans at the mention of her name while tommy fake gags, making me laugh a little. neither of them particularly like her from what they've seen online.

my phone vibrates, i look at the caller id and choose to decline the call. it's clay, he's calling again to scream at me for what i said on that stream. he's received a lot of hate since i admitted the truth about him and our parents and has been continuously calling me and leaving fucking awful voicemail after voicemail. not to mention the names he's been calling me over text.

i ignore him as i continue to argue with tommy about something or other, scott just sits to the side and watches us in amusement. "no tom! the moon wouldn't be made of blue cheese, it would probably be chedder!" i yell in annoyance as tommy glares at me angrily, he stands up and takes a step forward. "how would you know? and don't call me tom!" he shrieks.

"tom, tom tom!" i yell out, with that tommy tackles me to the floor. shortly after scott leaves to meet some friends, promising to bring me some mcdonald's back. for a while me and tommy sit around the house playing video games and vlogging together to pass the time. he tries his best to cheer me up, i love him for that.

eventually he gets a call from his dad telling him he's here to pick him up. i stand awkwardly at the front door as tommy pulls him shoes on, "see you soon tom." i say quietly. for the first time tommy doesn't yell at me or attack me for calling him tom, instead he tightly wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me. i hug back just as tight, afraid to let go.

"call me in you need anything okay n/n? promise me that, i don't care if i'm in class or if it's 4 in the morning. call me no matter what." tommy whispers once he let's go of me, i nod at him. tears filling my eyes, i know if i say anything i'll start crying so i just nod. with that he looks at me one more time, hugs me again and leaves.

a few hours later i hear scott talking to someone as he comes in through the front door, i walk out my room to see him talking to jack, with the two of them is melissa who notices me walk towards them. "hi!" She says waving, a fake smile spread across her face.

i fake smile back at her and turn to jack and scott, scott's holding 2 mcdonald's bags in his hand which he places on the kitchen counter. "y/n! meet melissa my girlfriend. melissa meet y/n my best friend and roommate." jack says smiling, oblivious to the death glare melissa is giving me. scott notices and coughs.

"so melissa why don't you tell me about yourself?" scott says trying to break the awkward silence. "oh well i'm a streamer like you, i'm called playingwithmel. i have two thousand subscribers and i'm dating jack! obvi!" She says fake laughing after with a fake smile to compliment it.

jack suddenly hands her a box. "for my beautiful girl!" he says trying to kiss her, melissa dodges the kiss opening the box with a smile. the smile falls once she looks at what's inside the box, suddenly an angry look crosses her face. "a rock?" She says giving it a disgusted look as she glares at jack. jack doesn't seem to notice as he smiles. "yeah! it matches your eyes!" he says happily as melissa glares daggers at him.

"i wanted a gucci bag jack! not a fucking rock!" she exclaims angrily, slamming the rock onto the counter shattering it. "call me when you get me the bag." she hisses as she walks to the front door, slamming it loudly on the way out. jack looks down at the remains of the rock sadly and throws it in the trash before walking to his room.

scott looks at me angrily as he motions at the door that melissa just walked out of. i nod at him and point at jack's room. scott nods his head as he passes me a mcdonald's bag with some food in it before taking the other bag to jack's room. i eat at the kitchen table in silence, checking the clock i see it's 6:30 in the evening.

finishing my food i write a note to scott saying i'm going out and that he doesn't need to worry about me, with that i grab my phone and i leave. i walk for a while before arriving at the pier overlooking the sea, the suns beginning to set. i hear footsteps behind me as someone stands beside me.

"tommy called me, told me you needed a big brother to be there for you. since clay's unavailable and an absolute fucking dick i'm here instead as your replacement brother." wil says softly rubbing my back soothingly as i try to hold my tears in. "i just hope he's happy with her. she can make him so much happier than I can wil!" i choke out as tears drop down my face.

he gently brushes the tears off my face, hugging my tightly to his chest. "it's okay n/n. let it all out." he says as i continue to cry about jack, about clay, about everything. "you're wrong about one thing n/n." wil says as i look up at him. "jack may be happy with her for now but he won't be happier. she's obviously a bitch, i've met her and can sense her bullshit a mile away. i'll always pick you over her, i'll fucking fight her if i need to!" wil exclaims in anger.

"now come on, let's go get some ice cream." he says grabbing my hand, i smile lightly. i'm lucky to have these two as my brothers, with that me and wil walk away from the pier towards the nearest ice cream shop in town.

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