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i stand at kit's doorstep and knock on the door, i wait a few moments before i hear kit shuffling about to the door. "y/n!" he says in surprise, his eyes wide in shock. he motions me inside but i don't move. "kit. listen, here's a box of your stuff from mine. drop my stuff off at wil's." i don't give kit a chance to say anything as i turn on my heel.

"i knew you never truly liked me y/n, i knew you liked- no loved jack but i always ignored it because i hoped you would eventually want to be with me but, i see now that would never have happened. goodbye y/n, i hope we can be friends again one day but i need some time to think and i know you do to." kit says as he begins to shut the door, i spin around in panic.

"i did have some sort of feelings towards you kit!" i yell, kit stops closing the door keeping it slightly a jar. "it's just that i- i don't truly love you. i tried to- i really tried but it's not you i truly love, i don't deserve the kindness you give me and you don't deserve the pain i bring. i'm so so sorry kit." unable to keep my tears in i rush away from his house.

a few hours later and i find myself at the house i shared with jack and scott, i hesitate for a moment before i unlock the door. "oh jack!" i hear a moan, my eyes widen as i spot melissa and jack in the kitchen in a heated makeout. "j- jack?" i whisper. he turns to me, panic in his eyes as he pulls away from melissa knocking over a vase. "y- y/n this- this isn't what it looks like-" he starts before i cut him off.

"keep him melissa. this fucker says he loves me then fucks around with you. keep him, i don't need or want him. i won't feel sorry for you when she dumps your ass jack. honestly she could do better than you." i breathe in as i feel the anger in my veins, all i can see is red.

jack opens his mouth to apologise but i cut him off. "save it jack. i'll be on the first flight i can get back to the usa tomorrow. good day to you mr manifold." i hiss out, so much venom in my words it startles me, melissa and jack. with that i turn on my heel and run out the house. i need to see wil, nick, and get ahold of my brother clay.

"c- clay? d- do uh- do you think i could come back and stay with you and distra for a few days? like starting from tomorrow?" i whisper as i pack all my stuff at wil's house into my suitcase, i can feel wil's eyes trained on my back. "yeah sure, is everything okay?" he asks me softly, i don't answer him as i begin booking my flight.

"clay what the fuck man she's clearly not! blossom it's okay just come alright? wil can deal with your stuff at kit's and scott will help wil get your stuff from his. we'll get it shipped over okay?" he asks me softly, i smile slightly as wil agrees from across the room. "yeah that works panda. thanks guys." i say softly as i finish packing my stuff.

"see you guys soon." i call out, i get a goodbye and then i end the call. wil comes over and tightly hugs me. "scott says jack's currently knocked out because he drank 5 bottles of beer apparently, you don't need to worry about him suddenly turning up. also scott says he'll help collect anything you left and bring it here for me to sort the shipping." wil mentions.

i cry into wil's shoulder and he cries into mine, we hold each other tightly afraid to let go. we end up falling asleep on the couch, i wake up on the couch still holding wil. i gently shake him awake and we prepare to go to the airport, wil jumps into his car and i get in as well. we drive in silence mostly, the odd song drifting through the car.

neither of us feel like talking, i'm afraid if i talk the world might shatter into pieces. when we get to the airport wil gives me the biggest hug ever. "i'll tell tubbo, tommy, ranboo and phil you said goodbye and explain what's happened tomorrow okay? please- please don't f- forget me n/n. i- i know you have your real brother but you're my little sister!" wil cries as he hastily wipes away his tears.

i tightly hug wil, tighter than before. "i could never forget you wil! you're always going to be my number one big brother! you were there for me when clay wasn't, and i'm thankful for that. i- i need to go wil or i won't be able to catch my flight." i say softly, wil pulls away from me and tries to smile. "goodbye n/n." he whispers as he gets into his car and drives away.

tears well in my eyes as i walk into the airport and get my suitcase taken from me at check in. i breeze through security and make it to the other side, where i just stand. i feel as though i may throw up at a moments notice, i take a deep breathe in before turning to the nearby shops. i begin to go through the shops looking at what they're selling but my mind is somewhere else.

i need to send out a message to my fans and explain what's happened and that i'm moving back, i need to tell my friends what's happened and that i'm moving back, hell i need to tell my family what's happened and why i'm moving back. i feel my stomach twist in anxiety and i begin to feel light headed. i walk towards some nearby chairs abandoning the shops i was looking at.

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