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i used to wonder what home was, what it meant, what it felt like. growing up i never truly had a home. sure i found one for a short time in purpled and i had distra but for the most part i was alone. only ever being treated like the fucking scum of the earth. the truth is, i'd never felt so alone living with my family in the usa.

i was always alone in that house as clay tried to keep distra from me, it never really worked. eventually i turned to online gaming where i met purpled who i later met in real life after i took a 6 month exchange program. though him i met tommy and wil, they introduced me to the others and jack.

life never treated me kindly, they told me god gives his strongest soldiers the hardest battles but that's fucking bullshit. they say fate will guide you and that destiny shall be our future, they say we all have a destiny. maybe we do, maybe we don't. who knows at this point? i didn't believe in fate or destiny but now i think i do.

because the truth is, without that fate guiding me i wouldn't of met purpled and all the amazing people he brought me like wil, tommy, ranboo, schlatt, karl, jack and so many more. i've met so many amazing people and had an amazing career, in both youtube and the music industry. i've had a sucessful solo career and as a member of lovejoy.

though destiny i met jack and i fell for him, yet he fell for me harder. through destiny i found my family, my true family. they may not be my family by blood but they are by destiny, fate and love which is worth more than blood in my opinion. i found my happy place in this world, i found what i deserve.

people will always hate me and treat me like the fucking scum of the earth but that's life. it can be cruel or it can be kind, we all draw a handful of cards at birth and we have to battle it out with that hand. the hand can get better or worse depending on what we choose. my hand may have started out as a fucking terrible draw but slowly it started to get better.

sometimes i do wonder what my life would of been like if i'd never left the usa, would i ever truly be happy there? would i ever fall in love with jack? would it be the same as it was before i left? the truth is, fate and destiny may have never given me the life i have now if i'd never left the usa. everday is a new adventure.

"ready to see clay and distra?" jack asks me, grabbing my hand as we pull into the airport. i breathe in deeply as i step out the car, shutting the door behind me. "maybe? honestly i don't know, it's different now. we're finally talking face to face instead of through a screen, what if he's decided i'm a fucking train wreck and he doesn't want me anymore? i know he said he did but still." i trail off as jack hugs me tightly.

"it'll be okay, if anything happens i'm here okay?" jack whispers once he pulls away from me, he holds my hand squeezing it every now and then. after a few minutes we arrive at luggage collection and i see clay and distra. clay turns around and sees me, tapping distra's shoulder as she turns and sees us.

slowly they walk up to us placing their stuff on the floor beside them. "hey sis." clay says softly as distra comes over and hugs me tightly. "hey clay." i whisper once distra pulls away, in one big step clay comes forward and hugs me tightly. i hug back just as tightly, suddenly afraid to let go. distra then joins us dragging jack with her. we stand there for a moment hugging each other tightly.

finally we let go and go towards jack's car discussing small things about our lives and careers. we get to jack's car, clay and distra sit in the back while me and jack sit in the front. you're on your own kid by taylor swift plays quietly in the background while we all make some small talk, clay talks about how george and nick are moving in with him soon.

despite how the first 18 years of my life went i wouldn't change it. not the yelling or the anger or the treating me like scum. why? well if i changed a single thing from my past i may not be where i am today. happily talking to clay and distra in the car on our way to brighton, to the house where me, jack and scott live happily. i may have never met purped, nick, wil, tommy, phil or anyone of my friends.

i may have never met the love of my life. i may never have fallen for jack, and honestly? that's the scariest thought of all, that i could have never met jack. if i hadn't left with him that day at the airport, if he hadn't gotten there in time then my entire life could be so different. so no, i wouldn't change a thing in my life because i like where my future is going. i like feeling free.

and sure, i don't exactly know what the next chapter of my life will have in store for me, it could be better or worse for me. but at the end of the day i'll risk it all for my family, friends and for jack because i am happy. this is my happily ever after and i refuse to just give it up just like that because fate and destiny have a different path for me. and not matter what people will tell me: i am home.

 and not matter what people will tell me: i am home

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thank you so much for the love and support you have given this book! i am truly greatful to the people who have voted, commented and added this book to their reading lists!

it never occured to me that this book would get as many views as it did or that it could ever achieve the rank of #1 in jackmanifoldtv, even if it was only for a short period of time.

thank you to the people that have stuck by this book since the very first version of it! i rewrote this book in 2 weeks when i decided i didn't like how i had originally written it, thank you to everyone who has been there to see it evolve!

i decided to write this book as i hadn't seen many jack manifold x reader books and i wanted to change that, although i don't exactly have a crush on the guy. this is the end of the road for y/n and jack's story but i am happy to say it's a happily ever after.

as my final note to i will say this: y/n is no longer the forgotten sister. "no one's gonna love you y/n." is what clay said, well look how the tables turned.

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