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i pull out my phone, opening up twitter. i start typing on my dimly lit screen. i smile, a slight pang hits my heart as nostalgia floods my body. i'm going to miss this, miss the people i have grown to love, the world i got used to. i'm going to miss annoying my friends, but most importantly i'm going to miss jack.

finally, i stop typing. my fingers stop gliding across the screen, i stare out the airport and pause. my fingers tremble slightly and i try to hold back a sigh, my eyes gloss over and my breathing seems out of rhythm. i hiccup quietly as my leg bounces up and down lightly. this is it, from the usa to brighton and back to the usa.

an announcement comes out through the airports speaker calling all people for the flight from gatwick to florida to start heading to their gate. i grab my stuff and start walking down towards my gate. "y/n!" a voice yells behind me, i whirl around to see jack standing there. he's out of breath and soaked from the rain outside. my throat closes in on itself, "jack?" i whisper quietly.

the airport suddenly seems very quiet as passersby stop and watch our interaction. "please don't go on that flight y/n." jack says as he slowly takes a few steps closer, i open my mouth but jack cuts me off. "y/n, i have loved you since the day you got here. i can't lose you now i've finally realised that, going back to the usa won't make you happy. it won't make me happy either." he exclaims, getting quieter and quieter as he continues.

i stare at him for a moment before i scoff. "you think an apology can fix this jack? did you really think that would work? you betrayed my trust, blamed me for things i never did and started a fight with my ex boyfriend! i can't do this anymore jack, just being with you causes me pain. sure going back to the usa probably won't make me happy but it'll make me happier than you have been making me these past few months. goodbye jack." with that i turn on my heel and head towards my flight.

hot tears fall down my face as i hear jack sobbing and trying to chase after me, i hear some security guards telling him he needs to leave. looking down at my phone i click post on my tweet and then i turn it off, placing it in my pocket as i near my gate. "y/n! y/n please! y/n!" jack screams as he's forced out the airport. not once do i turn back and look at him, not even when he starts sobbing even louder. i just keep walking.

i get to the gate and hand my boarding information to the crew who let me on board. i booked a business class seat so people wouldn't see me or disturb me and now i'm very thankful for that as i can hear people muttering about the scene jack caused only a few minutes prior. "did you see that man crying at that poor girl? poor girl seemed broken because of him, honestly men these days." a woman comments as i walk to my seat. i hear a few other people agreeing.

i sleep for most of the flight ignoring jack who keeps trying to contact me while my phone is on the airplane wifi, i respond to wil who checks up on me asking if i was okay after seeing my post. i tell him about jack and how i'm feeling. he gets angry threatening to attack him on my behalf but i decline telling him it's not worth it. only an hour into my flight twitter has already exploded with clips of me and jack's fight in the airport and the post i made earlier.

most people are on my side and a lot of the smp members are already distancing themselves from jack for me. tommy frantically texts me a few times asking if i'm okay to which i respond with a yes each time. the truth is i'm not okay but i'm not doing badly either, sure i'm upset about jack but maybe when i get back to my blood related family and my other friends everything will work out for the better on my end. i can only hope.

arriving back in the usa is weird, clay and distra greet me with smiles and hugs which i return. nick and george are also there to greet me, george says hi whilst nick gives me a big hug. "it'll be okay blossom. i promise." he whispers softly to me as he pulls away from the hug, he grabs my hand and starts to lead me to the car while clay and george deal with my luggage. distra follows along with me and nick humming to herself softly.

the forgotten sister (jack manifold)Where stories live. Discover now