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"y/n! help me i'm fucking dying!" schlatt screams at me as soon as i join the discord call, i wince slightly at the volume. "i got booty shorts schlatt! i'm unstoppab- fuck! shit, fuck no, ah, ah, ah fuck!" quackity shrieks out as purpled whacks him into the void. i only stare at the screen regretting my life choices.

"you fucking suck at this quackity." schlatt bursts into boistourous laughter. "schlatt you're not much better. purpled wanna team against these two twats? they fucking suck." i state as i load into bed wars. "of course! let's beat their asses!" he yells as we all enter a new game.

"y/n- y/n don't- don't do this! i love your new song n/n! it's- it's amazing! y/n don't- fuck!" quackity screams as i throw him into the void. "mamma mia- fuck! here i go again!" schlatt suddenly sings as he falls into the void for the millionth time. "you fucking suck at- quackity! don't you fucking dare!" i yell out as quackity aims a bow at me.

"bye bye y/n!" he exclaims shooting me, i fall but at the last moment i ender pearl back up right next to him. "so uh- can we move past the fact i tried to kill you? oh fuck, oh fuck okay that's a no! fuck! shit, no, no, no, no! y/n we can-" quackity screams. everyone goes silent, it's so silent you could hear a pin drop. "so, who's next? schlatt?" i ask casually.

"well thank you for joining today's stream guys! see you next time, remember to eat, drink, sleep and take care of yourselves okay? bye!" i whisper as i end the stream, for the past few days i've been living with wil so i've been borrowing his set up so i can stream. i stand up from wil's desk and open my phone quickly typing something out, a few moments later nick calls me. a small smile forms on my face as i accept the call only for it to drop when i see clay instead of nick.

"y/n wait don't hang up please! nick's here see!" clay exclaims showing nick right next to him. i sigh as i look at nick. "i'm sorry n/n but he's refusing to give me my phone back. just hear him out." nick says gently. i nod at clay to continue. clay once again turns the camera back to him, nick once again leaving the frame.

"listen y/n i've been a fucking awful brother to you, i know i have. i'm so sorry for how i've treated you, i know this is no excuse for my behaviour nor do you need to accept this apology or forgive me but i hope we can one day be friends again." clay exclaims a few tears glossing over his eyes.

i look at him for a few moents as he sobs quietly over the phone. is he doing this so the backlash dies down? for distra? or just because he wants to fix things after 18 years? i feel myself let out a sigh, "i can't forgive you- not yet clay. but i can accept your apology and try to fix things with you. okay?" i sigh once more.

clay looks up at me, hope in his eyes. before i know it he's talking about everything and anything to me, nick joining in with him every now and then. "hey sis." wil says patting me on the head as he leans on my shoulder, he glares at clay for a few moments. "you'd better not hurt her again." is all he says before walking away.

eventually clay and nick leave me, wil sits in the corner messing around with garage band when there is a knock on the door. i slowly go towards the door and open it slightly, i open the door fully once i realise it's kit and not jack. i hug him tightly for a few moments before someone coughs ruining the moment.

"hey can i speak to you y/n?" jack asks before kit stands in front of me blocking jack's line of sight. "she doesn't want to talk to you." kit says sternly squaring up to jack, jack scoffs at him and begins to square up as well. "i think you should let her speak for yourself." he states as kit pushes jack away from wil's door onto the pavement. i stand frozen in the doorway as i watch.

they begin to walk around each other in circles like prey, the hunter and the hunted. they slowly close in on each other. kit throws the first punch narrowly missing jack, in retaliation jack throws a hard punch at kit's stomach. a crowd of strangers begins to form around them.

wil runs out the house and yells at some strangers to help him pull them away from each other as he grabs onto kit. "stop!" i finally scream at jack and kit as i come to my senses and run towards them, i stand between them. one of my hands on each of their chests, as if i am trying to hold them back.

the reality is i'm in a love triangle, both of them are being held back by wil and some strangers i don't know. "stop acting like fucking children! squaring up to each other, it's fucking pathetic!" i yell as i watch them once again square up to each other, despite the fact they're being forced apart.

"if this is what life's going to be like then i don't want to be with either of you! jack you fucking trusted a girl you met not that long ago over a girl you've known for 3 years now! kit, you're treating me like a fucking possesion! i'm done, we're over kit. wil come on!" i scream a few tears stream down my face, with that i turn on my heel and walk towards wil's car.

i hear a struggle as kit and jack yell for me, the strangers refuse to let them go as wil runs to me and unlocks the car. "let's go before they escape." he says as he reverses and drives away. i don't look at where jack and kit are, i can feel their gazes burning into my skin but i ignore them as the tears fall.

the forgotten sister (jack manifold)Where stories live. Discover now