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Rae pov

Threw away your love letters
I thought it'd make me feel better
I finally got you out my bed
But I still can't get you out my head, ooh
I'm sending you one text at a time
I know you're by your phone
So boy, pick up your line
And I ain't too proud to beg
So, what's been said has been said, hmm
And I need you to know
You don't know what love is
And I need you to know, hmm
You don't know
And you don't know what love is
If you don't put up a fight
You don't know what love is
If you don't stay up all night, crying
You don't know what love is
If you're too good to call a million times
And you say you know what love is
But I swear you never seen it in your life, ooh, hmm, uh
I swear you never seen it in your life, ooh, uh, hmm
I swear you never seen it in your life
I sang my heart out singing session 32 by summer walker. That girl know she know how to keep a mf in they feelings. But I loved it. She was my celebrity wife. I was finishing up my shower, putting on my clothes when my phone went off. I seen two missed calls from a random number and a message.

Unknown: "I love you. So much. I always will..." I stared at the message confused before it clicked in my head. I immediately called the number back

"That was the very last message I got from you. Do you remember that?" Her soft voice said

"Of course I do. Because I meant it."

"And now? Even after everything."

"Nothing will change that. Nothing. But I feel like should be the one asking you that."

"Never stoped. You know that Rae..."

"I was starting to think I ran you off again....." I said to her

"I just needed time. I couldn't handle all those emotions I was feelings."

"It was all just to much that night. I needed to step back." Kodie said

"But let's not talk about that. How have you been?" I asked her trying not to dampen the mood

"I've been ok. You?"

"Keeping my head into my business, trying to stay occupied."

"Business?" She asked

"Yea, I'm a licensed therapist. And specifically I talk to young women and girls. Honestly it's a lot, I'll have to catch you up on some things one day."

"Maybe I could come out there one day?..." she asked

"I would love that. There for I can show you in person what I've been working on." I smiled just thinking about my accomplishments. I feel like she'll be proud of me, and how much I've changed

"What about you?" I asked

"I've been working on My music, definitely didn't imagine it taking off like it has."

"Oh yea? I've heard a lot of your music. It's dope, you really are talented."

"Thank you means a lot coming from you. Considering most of them were about you and our situation..." she admits


"Yea. They helped me cope with what I was feeling. When I write it's like the world is lifted off of my shoulders. It helps me voice my thoughts. It's therapeutic. I actually just finished one."

"What is it about?"

"Give me a few weeks and I'll send it."

"How about in a few weeks you make that trip, and let me hear it in person."


"I'm serious kodie, don't be getting my hopes up."

"I'm not I promise. I'll be there. Ok?"


"Im really glad I called you."kodie said

"Im glad you did too. I just hope you'll do it more often."

"Trust me, there's a lot more I'll be doing. Don't even worry."

"But I should get going, I have a lunch date with Lani. I'll text you later?" She said

"Ok, oh and heads up. She may be mad. I'll let her tell it." I chuckled

"Awe shit. Thanks for the heads up, here she is now. I'll talk to you later." We both said our goodbyes and I couldn't help the smile on my face. I was definitely looking forward to seeing her. I'm glad she finally reached out, and was honest about it. It's definitely a step in the right direction.
I was off today so I was going to sit around and relax and I did exactly that.

Mililani pov

"I should punch you." I said to kodie

"Dang why so violent. What I do?" We were out grabbing lunch at a local deli.

"Why didn't you tell me what was going on Kodie? You know dang well that is something you just don't forget to tell your sister." I said crossing my arms

"It's fine Lani, I'm good really. I didn't need saving this time."She rolled her eyes

"Don't do that. It's not even about that. You of all people didn't tell me anything. Rae told me, and she told me because she was worried about you. Y'all know y'all my family. The only family I got. I just be wanting to know what's going on."

"Yea, I know. It's just I was ok. Seriously I was handling it on my own. I was going to tell you."

"Yea right. I know you kodie."

"Seriously Lani, I'm good really. I actually talked to her before you came. We talked it out, again."

"Well good. I'm not gon get into y'all's business but ima tell you the same thing I told her. Y'all both love each other, you guys will find your way back. No matter if it's a relationship or friendship." She nodded taking what I said in. I wanted them to work things out and be together. But ultimately I just want them both happy and healthy. So if them together is their happiness, great. If it's apart, then so be it. As long as we all still can be the family that we all grew to be...

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