Chapter 6

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"I'm not gonna wake her up. Last time I did we were six and she smacked me in the face." Cole said. "Well I don't want to get hit" Will said scared. "me either" Dalton and Gabe said in unison. "How about lover boy here does it." Dalton suggested. "Don't call him that!" Cole whisper-screamed.

"If you guys don't shut up I will punch you all." I said grabbing a pillow and hitting the closest person which happened to be Dana. I opened my eyes to see the boys and Dana with a pouting face on. "I'm sorry Dana." I said kissing him on the cheek. We both blushed as I walked into my bathroom.

"Ummm are you guys gonna leave because I'm gonna take a shower and you guys shouldn't be in here." I said with sass. They all nodded and walked out. Before I jumped in the shower I put on some music. The first song that came on was Stitches by Shawn Mendes. In the shower I sang along with the other songs that came on.

When I got out of the shower I went into my closet and picked out red skinny jeans and a black tee. I put on black converse and pulled my hair back. I went to leave my room when I opened the door and saw all five boys standing outside it.

"You have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard." Dana said smiling. I blushed and said "its not that good but thanks for the compliment." The boy's expressions dropped and Dalton said "seriously Riley how are you not famous!? Your voice is amazing." I became shocked and just stood there.

"We should see if we can do a cover with you." Cole said excitedly. I can't believe they think I'm good. I was always told that I was terrible. Although the only people that ever heard me were people who snuck up on me while I'm singing. I could never do it on a stage. My stage fright is way too severe.

"Umm I don't know about that" I said. "nonsense we will talk to management tomorrow" Will said. I immediately got the feeling to throw up so I ran to the bathroom, the boys following behind quickly. "Riley are you ok?" Dana asked worried. "yeah I'm fine can we just go to the fair already!" I said a little rudely. We all walked downstairs to the cars and piled in. It was Colton in the front with me, Dana, Gabe, and Will in the back. Since there are only three seats in the car I had to sit on Dana's lap. Cole wasn't happy about that but I didn't care.

When we got to the fairgrounds we jumped out and ran to the entrance. As soon as we got in I started to look at all the different rides until someone snuck up behind me and covered my eyes.

I froze. Was it Joe? If it is what does he want? Why is he here? If it's not then who is it?

I turned around to see who it was and it revealed my 5 best friends from Alabama.

"Holy chizzzness!! What are you guys doing here?!?!" I asked basically screaming of excitement. "Well Cole contacted us and told us what he said to you and how you were kind of blue and the whole thing with joe happening so he flew us out here." Lydia told as she blushed when she said Cole's name. "Yeah and plus we missed you so we came to visit." Kaitlyn and Kierra said in unison.

I turned to Cole and gave him a giant squeeze of a hug. "Thanks Cole. I guess I'm not mad at you anymore." I said giving him a smile. "Shall we roll the coasters. Dana said as he laughed. We all laughed at his bad pun and nodded.

I noticed Lydia and Cole looking at each other and start to blush. Cole looked like he was in love. So did Lydia. "Someone's got a crush." I said to Lydia. "I guess, he is just so handsome and perfect but he would never fall for me." Lydia said looking at the ground. "Don't talk like that. You are gorgeous! And he sees it because he looks at you like you look at him." I said with a smile. "Thanks Riley." lydia said feeling better.

We ended up staying at the fair till midnight. Before we left we rode the ferris wheel. Lydia sat with Cole in a car. Gabe and Will sat in one,  Dalton sat with Kaitlyn, Kierra, and Mattie in another car. Dana and I sat in a separate car.

"Hey Riley?" Dana said nervously. 

"Yeah" I said. Dana looked nervous. 

"Ever since I laid eyes on you I haven't stopped thinking about you. Do you think maybe sometime I could possibly take you out on a date?"

 I was in complete shock. "I'd be honored too." I said almost screaming.

"There is just one problem... Cole" I said sadly. 

"What will we say to him?" Dana asked. 

"I have a plan" I said. I quickly explained the plan to Dana and he agreed with it.

When we got off the Ferris wheel we all got into our cars and drove to the penthouse. "This is our home." Cole said excitedly to Lydia. 

"It's beautiful" Lydia responded. 

"We have two guest rooms and if Riley is ok with it then you guys could stay in her room" Cole said looking at me.

"Where else would they stay." I said. 

"Ok now that that is settled how long are you guys staying?" Gabe asked. 

"I think till the end of summer." Mattie replied. 

"Ok cool, it'll be nice to have some company around

"How about we watch a movie since we aren't tired?" I asked everyone. They all nodded then we picked out a movie. Of course the boys picked a horror movie. Mattie, Kaitlyn, Kierra sat on one couch. Dana and I on a reclinable love seat. Lydia and Cole on another love seat. And Will, Gabe, and Dalton on another couch. about 10 minutes into the movie I cuddled up with Dana. I looked around to see if anyone was about to fall asleep and to my surprise everyone except for me and Dana had fallen asleep.

Lydia was cuddling with Cole and the girls were basically laying on each other and the boys had each either a foot or a hand in another ones face. Dana soon wrapped his arms around me and we drifted off to sleep.

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