Chapter 20

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I was in my room with the girls when people started arriving. I was still doing my hair. We were curling my hair into very lose curls and Kaitlyn put the tiara on my head very carefully so it wouldn't fall.

When we were done I heard a knock on my door. Sarah opened it to reveal Dalton in a tuxedo. "May I escort the lovely birthday girl to her birthday bash?" He asked in a cheesy way. "Why of course kind sir" I said laughing and taking his arm. The girls went in front of us and the DJ announced my entrance.

I have to say the boys really outdid themselves. There was a giant dance floor and a crystal chandelier. So many people came. I was immediately introduced to the magcon boys and the Dolan twins. I have to say meeting Shawn Mendes was the highlight of my night.

I started dancing with everyone. until someone walked on stage. "Thanks to everyone for coming out tonight for Riley's special birthday. I would like to have Shawn Mendes come up and sing to her. Then she will do a song of her own, that she wrote." Will said and people started cheering. Will jumped down as Shawn got ready and he told me to sing 'bad blood'.

(I know it's a taylor swift song but the songs that I claim are "mine" aren't!! All rights to the artists! Back to the story)

"Here's to you Riley!" Shawn said.

"Oh-waaaooohhh-oooaaaoohh- play to light you my witness it's like 25 to life so you bust out of prison, Something's in the air, something's in the air..." he sang my favorite song. This has to be the best night ever. When he finished we all clapped and cheered.

I didn't notice Ethan Dolan came up next to me. He turned my way and said "You know I think your a amazing singer and person and Dana is a jerk for treating you the way he is." He pointed to Dana making out with Vanessa. I can't believe him.

"No guy should ever treat you that way" Ethan said to me. "I don't think I can stay here anymore" I said looking down. "Then you will stay with me and Ethan" he said grabbing my hand smiling. I nodded and walked towards the stage.

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight! And that you to the boys who threw this party for me. Lets have fun tonight! And remember let's not have bad blood" I said as the music started.

"Cause baby now we have bad blood, you know it used to be mad love, so take a look what you've done, cause baby now we've got bad blood, HEY!" I sang while the whole audience started dancing.

When I finished the DJ kept playing great dance music. I feel bad that I'm gonna leave cause I know Cole will try and make me stay. I just can't deal with him anymore. I keep forgiving him but it's starting to get worse. I have to tell them soon but for now I'm gonna dance with Ethan.

When the dancing began to stop we went over to the tables and will walked on stage. "Ok now we are gonna have Riley open her presents." Will said cheekily. I walked over to see the table and I didn't even notice how many presents I got.

Lots of cash from the people who didn't know me that well, gift cards, disney stuff, and I got a red practice microphone from Shawn. The only people who I didn't get a gift from was Cole and Dana. Not a shocker on the Dana part but Cole has a boxed poorly wrapped in his hands as he walks up to me.

"I wanted to give this to you separately" he said handing me the small box. I opened it and saw a locket on the inside. I opened the locket and there was a picture of my mom, dad, and Cole on the inside. I began to tear up when I saw their faces. Its getting harder to remember what they look like.

"So you know we are always with you" he said giving me a hug. How am I gonna leave after this. Cole put it on me. It was perfect. "I have to tell you something Cole" I said as he raised his eyebrow. "Please go get the others but not Dana." I said and he left to get them.

He returned with the boys and lydia, kaitlyn, Mattie, Kierra and sarah. "There is something you all need to know... I'm leaving" I said in a hushed tone to where only they could hear. Cole was shocked as were the girls, Will just nodded, Gabe put his head back and sighed, and Dalton ran over to me and gave me a tight squeeze. As I hugged Dalton everyone came in for a group hug.

"When do you leave?" Dalton asked sadly. "Tonight... I just can't deal with everything right now" I said looking down. They all nodded and the girls grabbed my hands and took me upstairs.

"Well if you are leaving tonight we need to help you pack" Kierra said trying to cheer us up. She has a good way of knowing how to cheer people up. We began packing up when Lydia walked over to me.

"Riley, with you gone, I'll be the only girl here, what am I gonna do?" She said not making eye contact. "Your gonna be you, and don't worry we will see each other again" I said reassuring her that it would be ok.

When we finished we took the bags to my car. It's nice of Ethan to let me stay with him. "Where are you staying?" Kaitlyn asked. "The Dolan twins are going to let me stay with them" I said trying to cheer her up. "Don't worry when I go on tour you guys are getting VIP Tickets!" I said bringing smiles to their faces.

We went back inside to finish out the party. I have to say this is the best birthday ever, besides Dana. I still don't understand what I did. I guess he just doesn't love me like I loved him.

When just about everyone left I grabbed Stella and got ready to leave. I'm thankful to have met Ethan. Without him I would be stuck here with Dana.

"Are you ready Riley?" Ethan asked. I nodded and started to walk out the door, but a hand stopped me and swung me around.

"Where do you think you are going?" Dana asked firmly.

"To get the heck away from you" I said with the same tone.

"Whatever your just an ordinary girl who wants me for what I've got" he said trying to joke off what I said.

"You see that's where you're wrong..." I said turning towards the door, but before leaving I turned back and said...

"I'm No Ordinary Girl"


BOOM!! Ok so I have been waiting for that last line since like chapter 2! Continuation of this book will be up soon. Thank you again for reading!

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